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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Demystifying Research: Beyond the Archives: Exploring Community Collections and Data (Virtual Event)

    recommendations for expanding your research to consider and include more diverse sources and voices. Finally, they ... being offered in a virtual format using Zoom. A zoom link will be shared with registrants no later than ... project, figuring out how to prioritize the many unfinished tasks, tips for negotiating your first research ...

  2. Enrollment open for new Improving Weather and Climate Understanding in Ohio online course

    offered these workshops to meet the growing need for weather and climate education,” said Anne Baird, ... move to an online format expands access to the program, one final in-person workshop will be held at ... program is expanding its reach with a new online course. What started as a statewide effort to bring ...

  3. Demystifying Research: Archives and Research Methods (in person)

    a hands-on introduction to archives and archival research methods. Topics covered will include finding and ... and projects using archival materials. No prior experience using special collections or archives is ... necessary.  Register Now This event is being offered in person only due to the nature of the materials and ...

  4. Demystifying Research: Understanding and Negotiating the Terms of Your Publishing Agreement (Virtual Event)

    tactics for retaining the rights that are important to you. In this workshop, participants will have the ... is being offered in a virtual format using Zoom. A zoom link will be shared with registrants no later ... project, figuring out how to prioritize the many unfinished tasks, tips for negotiating your first research ...

  5. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread

    pathogens, BTM populations expanded unchecked. This “enemy release” has been observed and documented with ... nurseries as between $200 and $300 million (Kenny, 2023). Additionally, in 2019, the value of sales of ... boxwoods in Ohio was between $12.5 and $15 million which equaled the sales in California (Hall, 2021). The ...

  6. IMPLAN Extension Reports

    (2018 and 2019) to provide insight on unique regional industry and occupational strengths. “To empower ... licensed by the CD unit that offers unique data sets for counties and regions in Ohio. The reports will be ... updated annually or as needed to include relevant economic data and impacts related to demographics, ...

  7. Demystifying Research: What is Digital Humanities? (Virtual Event)

    method(s) may be useful for your research? In this workshop, Leigh Bonds will provide a general overview of ... stage of their programs will learn about the methods applied to humanities research, the resources and ... trainings available to learn more, and the transferable skills developed through this work.   Register Now ...

  8. How to safely store eggs and find alternatives amid rising prices

    Grant 614-292-2258 Extension News Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Food, Food ... Tracy Turner COLUMBUS, Ohio — With egg prices soaring due to supply chain disruptions and avian ... flu impacts, many consumers are looking for ways to stretch their egg supply while ensuring food ...

  9. Demystifying Research: Research and Citation Management Made Simple (Hybrid event)

    being offered in a hybrid format. Participants are encouraged to attend in person, but virtual ... how to prioritize the many unfinished tasks, tips for negotiating your first research article ... Beyond the Archives: Exploring Community Collections and Data (Virtual Event) Introduction to Scholarly ...

  10. Raising Meat Chickens

    your own consumption or to sell, you should consider your end goals and budget. Producers living in ... (about 3 months) of age. Straight run: Male and female chicks that have not been sexed prior to sale ... they do produce a favorable carcass if raised for meat. Tips for Purchasing Chicks Chicks can be ...
