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"Exploring the Heart of It All" Email (and webinar) Wellness Challenge
email challenge connects participants with tips, research, and resources to help blend nature, health, ... finances, mental wellness, local foods, and more. Go to lucas and answer a few ... October 21 to December 2. Participants will have access to optional resources available including the Ohio ...
Farmers and Carbon Markets: Informational Needs and Attitudes
Survey Announcement Purpose of this study: To understand the informational and educational needs ... comprehensive survey that is focused on farmers and carbon markets. This study helps the researchers to ... study to evaluate the informational and educational needs of farmers and landowners considering ...
Ohio State continues to assist farmers as drought and rain create unprecedented challenges for soybean crops
they need to consider the impact of the rain on crop quality and how much damage buyers will accept.” ... local farmers to develop strategies to mitigate the drought’s impact. Aaron Wilson, state climatologist ... remains committed to supporting the agricultural community through research, resources, and on-the-ground ...
Footbath Practices for Lameness Prevention
through an automated milking system, a cow's locomotion is important. She needs to make a minimum of ... are critical for hoof health, but these practices also need to include the regular use of a footbath ... for a footbath, it needs to be in a location that all cows will walk single file through it and be ...
4-H Officer Books Due
Officer Book Competition Club officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News ... encouraged to submit officer books for judging. Books will be judged on content, neatness, ... presentation/construction and creativity. Click here to see the Office Book Scoresheets. Books must be turned into the ...
Can Drinking Water Treatment Remove Microplastics?
region. Such information is needed to assess whether the particles present a potential public health risk. ... particles. “We’re conducting this research because of increasing evidence demonstrating the presence of ... plastic waste are ubiquitous, or completely widespread, across the planet and pose risks to the ...
B-vitamins Basics in Dairy Cattle Nutrition – Part I
microbial sources meet the animal’s B-vitamin requirements. As dairy cattle continue to increase their milk ... provide B-vitamins to the animal, they are not supplemented in their rations because we assume that ... we continue to enhance efficiency of dairy cattle. There are 8 vitamins in the “B-vitamin complex”. ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Squash and Pumpkin
incorrectly in the United States to identify of certain varieties of these vegetables. Squash is available ... from July through September. October is the big month for harvesting pumpkin, although they are ... available in September and November. For information on squash and pumpkin varieties in Ohio, contact your ...
New Applicator Training- In Person- May 14, 2025
ODA will be available on site. Breakout Sessions If registering for the entire day, you will need to ... required for the test. Program Brochure Note: There will be no recertification credits offered at any ... New Applicator classes. If you need recertification credits, please attend one of our online ...
Cover Crop Considerations in the Dry Ohio Conditions
microbes, contributing to an increase in overall soil health and fertility. Bodyguard In times of drought, ... increased soil organic matter improves water-holding capacity. Research has found that greater amounts of ... insurance policy is needed to ensure the best management decisions are being made so that the bodybuilder ...