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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Organic Livestock and Poultry Health Series: CSI for Dairy: On-Farm Audits to Assess Risk

    CSI for Dairy: On-Farm Audits to Assess Risk ...

  2. Chow Line: Stack burgers to use meat thermometer (for 5/30/10)

    May 21, 2010 We use our grill primarily to cook hamburgers and hot dogs, and I've always wondered, how am I supposed to use a meat thermometer on these foods? I'm especially concerned about the hamburgers-- we usually use thin frozen burgers on ...

  3. Rain Gardens Beautify, While Protecting the Environment

    August 27, 2007 LONDON, Ohio-- Gardens do more than beautify an area, instill a love for plants, and provide food and shelter for wildlife. They can also be a source of environmental conservation. All it takes is a simple change in design and a slight ame ...

  4. In Memoriam

    Mike McFrederick- Mike McFrederick, 51, died at home Sept. 6, 2015, following a long illness. Mike was a 1985 graduate of Ohio State ATI and worked as a project manager for Patti Group of Novelty, Ohio. McFrederick, his parents Roger and Janice (nee Sooy) ...

  5. Volume 15 Issue 4


  6. Sigma Alpha Recruitment

    Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members. The sorority was founded in 1978 at The Ohio State University by five women who wanted an alternative to the social Greek ...

  7. Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria

    A CFAES scientist and his collaborators have discovered a chemical that causes "kidney" failure in mosquitoes, which may pave the way to the development of new insecticides to fight potentially deadly mosquito-transmitted diseases such as malari ...

  8. ATI students designing bee-friendly landscape for A.I. Root

    What do candles and flowers have in common (besides romantic candlelight dinners)? Bees, of course, and the  A.I. Root Company  in Medina has sought to bring its history as a candle maker and bee steward together in a project involving ATI's landscap ...

  9. Oilseed crops bring back history, look toward future at Mellinger Farm

    Flax  is blooming again at OARDC's  Mellinger Farm near Wooster. The crop is one of four oilseed crops that will be studied on the property this summer-- the first research plots at the farm since Patricia Quinby and Virginia Reed  generously donated ...

  10. OSU Students in Borlaug Summer Institute

    Godwill Chewachong, Matthew Kost and Brian Pace were among 35 graduate students selected from across the U.S. to participate in the Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security at Purdue University, May 28-June 8, 2013. Chewachong is a Plant Pathology ...
