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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Do Sorting and Heterogeneity Matter for Open Space Policy Analysis? An Empirical Comparison of Hedonic and Sorting Models

    Klaiber, HA and Phaneuf, DJ. " Do Sorting and Heterogeneity Matter for Open Space Policy ...

  2. Inspiration for 2014

    Happy New Year 2014 ...

  3. Ohio SWCS


  4. Ohio SWCS


  5. Last day of classes for Autumn Semester and Session 2


  6. Optimal Forest Carbon Sequestration

    article shows that if carbon accumulates in the atmosphere, the rental price for carbon sequestration ... lengthening rotations. Forest sequestration is predicted to account for about one-third of total carbon ...

  7. Biotechnology and Variation in Average U.S. Yields

    In a previous article, we compared the trend in U.S. average yield per harvested acre for the ... and 11 crops for which adoption of biotech varieties is limited. This article specifically examines ...

  8. HDE ListServ mailing list now available for subscription!

    Subscribe to the HDE listserv to receive bi-weekly updates with job announcements, funding opportunities, upcoming conferences or trainings, and relevant news items.  ...

  9. Adaptation: Climate Change and the Future of Cities

    award-winning books Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago and Fighting for Air: The Battle to ...

  10. West Ohio Agronomy Day

