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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Understanding Ecological Processes in Channelized Headwater Systems is a Key to Ecosystem Protection while Maintaining Crop Production

    Investigators: Andy Ward, Lance Williams, Marsha Williams, Ed Herricks, David Allan, Jennifer Janssen Project Overview: An interdisciplinary and multi-institutional team of scientists and engineers located at the University of Illinois, University of Mich ...

  2. Dairy Beef Feeder Calf Weigh-in


  3. Dairy Beef Feeder


  4. Livestock Sale Committee Meeting


  5. Ohio State’s Dean of Food, Ag, Environment to Step Down

    of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board, said Jack Fisher, member of the Board of Trustees and ...

  6. Jr. Fair Market Beef and Market Dairy Steer Weigh in and Tagging


  7. 4-H Livestock Interviews


  8. Early Bird Livestock Interviews


  9. Ohio Beef Expo

    Find details at ...

  10. Livestock Committee Meeting

