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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

A&P Educator IV Request for Faculty Position Timeline-Checklist

An Extension educator who attains a probationary tenure-track position in the manner described in the Department of Extension Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Criteria and Procedures (APT) document will receive a $3,500 increase to their base salary, effective the date of becoming a member of the faculty. This is in addition to any merit increases that take place during the year.
Approved by OSU Extension Executive Committee – December 13, 2018
Re-verified and confirmed by Jacqueline Kirby Wilkins, associate dean and director, OSU Extension – January 2021

REFERENCE: Current APT document:
Extension Educators Applying for a Tenure-Track Position without a National Search

Extension educators who have a minimum of a master’s degree and have attained the rank of Educator IV may apply for a tenure-track position. The process is initiated upon the written request of the educator in a letter to the department chair. The educator will develop a dossier following the most current Ohio State faculty guidelines (sroll down on page to "Core Dossier Outline"). Educators seeking a faculty appointment must meet the minimum criteria for teaching, service, and research/scholarly/creative work for Educator IV. The candidate must provide evidence of the potential for sustained faculty achievement at the assistant professor level. The review process will include reviews by the department P and T Committee, the division directors/program leaders, and the department chair. Procedures for P and T Committee votes as detailed above will be followed. The department chair will make the final determination of whether to offer faculty status to the candidate and will contact the candidate. Ordinarily, when an educator enters the faculty rank, it will be with an appointment at the assistant professor rank with six years of probationary status. If a request for a faculty position without a search is not approved, the educator will remain an Educator IV.

Details of Process and Link to APT: Department of Extension Faculty Promotion and Tenure

Also Related: Two-Track System for Extension Educators in the Department of Extension