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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Transportation Policy – Personal Vehicles

Use of Personal Vehicle by OSU Extension Employees

I. Policy

Ohio State University Extension does not require its employees (“Extension professionals”) to coordinate transportation for non-employee third parties (“clientele”) or to transport clientele in personal vehicles. It is appropriate for Extension professionals to inform clientele that they are responsible for making their own travel/transportation arrangements.

From time to time, an Extension professional may determine that for legitimate educational/business purposes, it would be appropriate to transport clientele in a personal vehicle or to coordinate transportation for clientele. When such situations arise, the Extension professional must follow the procedures outlined below.

II. Procedures

A. Transporting Clientele in Personal Vehicles

Before transporting clientele in a personal vehicle, the Extension professional must do each of the following:

  • Ensure that a current, valid copy of his or her driver’s license and proof of insurance are filed with the appropriate Extension office in a locked and secure location.
  • Notify his or her personal insurance carrier that a personal vehicle will be used for business purposes to transport non-employee third parties. An Extension professional’s personal insurance may be the only source to cover expenses in the event of an accident or other mishap.
  • Ensure that there is documentation of transporting clientele for legitimate educational or business purposes. (i.e. note on personal work calendar).

B. Coordinating Transportation

Before coordinating transportation for clientele (not including charter bus), the Extension professional must do each of the following:

  • Ensure that a current, valid copy of each driver’s license and proof of insurance are filed with the appropriate Extension office in the volunteer personnel file that is locked and secure. When emergency conditions make it impossible to file these documents, the Extension professional should verify that each driver has a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance, and document the emergency conditions as soon as possible after the fact.
  • Encourage each driver to notify his or her personal insurance carrier of the intended use of their personal vehicle, and inform each driver that their personal insurance may be the only source to cover expenses in the event of an accident or other mishap.
  • It is recommended that the drivers recruited to provide transportation be long-term or high-responsibility volunteers (per volunteer selection policy). If short-term volunteers are recruited to provide transportation, the Extension professional should complete an Ohio Sex Offender webcheck on those individuals.

C. Transporting Minors

In addition, before transporting any minor, the Extension professional must do each of the following:

  • Obtain the signature of the minor’s parents/guardians on the form entitled “Waiver and Permission to Transport Child/Charge.” Use this form.

For the protection of all involved (adults and youth), it is strongly recommended that more than one adult be in a vehicle when transporting youth. Consistent with Ohio State University Extension policy, an adult shall never intentionally place himself or herself in a one-on-one situation with a minor.

D. Rental Vehicles

See the university’s travel policy for information on how to rent a vehicle using university funds. Pre- approval is required for these expenses and specific insurance and vendor restrictions apply.

E. Charters

See the CFAES Finance Office guidelines on purchase orders to charter transportation (bus, van, boat, etc.). Pre-approval is required and specific insurance and vendor restrictions apply.


Administrative Cabinet approved – September 2004
Reviewed – March 2013
   2013 Revisions: Cindy Buxton, CFAES Finance Office; Vicki Schwartz and Jeff Dick, Ohio 4-H

Unit titles, links updated April 2017