(as of 2015)...The Ohio State University has been working on a Classification and Compensation Redesign project. Over the next several years, university and Medical Center human resources offices will partner with a global leader in HR and financial consulting to review and update Ohio State's classification system. Those seeking reclassification should consult the most current Ohio State guidelines for information. Check the following link: Salary Adjustment and Reclassification Request for Approval
Background considerations: The unit administrator identifies a change in job responsibilities and submits the necessary request. A staff member seeking a reclassificaton should discuss the potential for reclassification following the annual evaluation with the unit leader.
The document of position responsibilities and duties, activities and supplementary information for the application form may be prepared by the candidate, candidate's supervisor, department head or any combination of the afore-mentioned individuals. The college HR unit should be involved and consulted early in the process.
Revised 2015; reviewed by Keith Smith, Ken Martin.
Original content: This document sets forth the policy and procedure for the operation of a classification and advancement system for administrative and professional staff at OSU Extension. This includes campus based staff (non-faculty), district, and county based staff (non-agent or specialist).
Categories and Titles
The classification system shall provide the opportunity for placement advancement through each of four administrative/professional staff categories. These reflect different job responsibility levels: Category I being the lowest and Category IV being the highest.
Attachment I (Professional Advancement) provides an overview.
The Professional Advancement System shall apply to those positions that require substantial amounts of responsibility, creativity and training. The following position titles in Ohio State University's administrative/professional classification system will be used:
Program Assistant – corresponds to Category I
- Program Coordinator – corresponds to Category II
- Program Manager/Specialist – corresponds to Category III
- Program Director (senior A&P) – corresponds to Category IV
Each category represents a distinct realm of duties, responsibilities and expertise. Classification of administrative/professional positions in the appropriate category is the responsibility of the unit leader in conjunction with OSU Extension administration and the university Office of Human Resources.
Change of Job Category
A change in job categories will be initiated by the unit leader based on a change in job responsibilities as substantiated by the administrative/ professional staff member's job description.
Education: To be eligible for change in category the individual must meet the following minimum educational criteria (or equivalent experience): Category I – BS; Category II – BS, MS preferred; Category III – MS; Category IV – MS
- An advanced degree does not automatically call for a change in category.
- Candidates must meet the minimum eligibility requirements outlined in Section E.
- An application and review process will be followed before advancement to a new category occurs to determine candidate's eligibility.
Monetary Considerations
University salary ranges for the different categories will be observed. Because of the great diversity of positions even within each administrative/professional staff category, often requiring vastly different types of training and skill, salary will be commensurate with job assignment and its responsibilities, training and experience related to the position and job performance.
There will be a salary increment associated with a change in job category.
Eligibility for Reclassification
The unit administrator identifies a change in job responsibilities.
The following general criteria for eligibility are intended to serve as minimal standards that can be documented. How the candidate meets these standards would be the primary emphasis of the consideration. Advancements in categories are not viewed as equal incremental steps; rather each requires an increasing level of ability, responsibility, proficiency and performance. Documentation is required of activities which support the criteria.
Reclassification Category I to Category II. The individual consistently fulfills the assigned duties in a highly satisfactory manner. Teaching proficiency is documented. The person pursues professional growth activities in order to enhance his/her performance. There is every indication that he or she will continue to grow professionally.
Reclassification Category II to Category III. The individual has a proven record of excellence in performance of duties. He or she has demonstrated initiative in both the organization and execution of these responsibilities and has continued to grow professionally by keeping current in his or her subject matter expertise, participating in career enhancement activities and has earned the respect of peers. Documentation of teaching excellence is provided. There is every indication that he or she will continue to grow professionally.
Reclassification Category III to Category IV. The individual has demonstrated exemplary ability and proficiency in his or her area of assigned responsibility. The person is recognized as being efficient, innovative and highly productive both by peers and by those with and for whom he or she works. Teaching excellence is documented. He or she is an established "professional" with the highest qualifications and has developed administrative capabilities.
Need for additional specific criteria. There is much diversity of positions and required expertise within the administrative/professional staff classification categories. Therefore it is usually appropriate that additional specific criteria be developed to provide more accurate measures of growth and performance in individual positions. The criteria developed for each position should reflect the job assignment and would be developed in conjunction with the administrative and professional staff member's immediate supervisor.
Process for Reclassification
Staff member should discuss the potential for reclassification following the annual evaluation with unit leader. The unit leader will determine if the staff member's position should be considered for reclassification. If the decision is affirmative, an application form for reclassification would be completed for the candidate.
The documentation of position responsibilities and duties, activities and supplementary information for the application form may be prepared by the candidate, candidate's supervisor, department head or any combination of the afore mentioned individuals. The administrative/professional staff member shall have opportunity to have input in the document used in the career advancement system.
The application form would be reviewed by the OSU Extension Human Resources and forwarded to the chair of Extension. Following action, Human Resources will notify unit leader.
Documentation for Reclassification
The criteria for reclassification measures the candidate's performance in fulfilling his or her program or newly defined area of responsibility; professional interaction; and geeclassifneral value to the departmental unit and OSU Extension. This documentation provides evidence to substantiate the candidate’s ability to qualify for a change in job category.
Due to the nature of the varied responsibilities of the administrative and professional staff, these criteria have been worded in the broad sense so as to pertain to all administrative and professional job assignments.
Candidate's Documentation of Performance
Program development and implementation: (1) principal accomplishments of the program handled by the candidate and documentation of productivity; (2) improvements made in the method of operation of the candidate's program; and (3) plans proposed by the candidate to further improve the program, etc….
Professional interaction: (1) fosters departmental and/or interdepartmental working relationships; (2) accomplishments of the candidate in the role of supervisor if appropriate (3) contributes to the university, the college, the community or state.
Teaching: Extension teaching includes program development, curriculum development, program facilitation, and/or delivery of programs or Extension education via a variety of formats including workshops, seminars, camps, mass media, personal communications and distance education. (1) The standardized group EEET will be required as well as (2) peer review using EEET. (3) Impact evaluations are also needed to assess outcomes.
Publications and communication (documentation of any of the following that are applicable to the assigned duties of the candidate): (1) publications authored or co-authored (note those accepted in refereed journals); (2) papers, posters and presentation given at meetings; (3) mass communication efforts, such as magazine articles, newspaper features, brochures radio and television presentations, news releases, circulars, etc.; (4) in-house technical documents; (5) record maintenance; (6) editing;
Professional participation and recognition: (1) membership in professional organizations (if applicable); (2) recent participation in activities of professional organizations (if applicable); (3) participation in local, state or national conferences and meetings; (4) offices and committee memberships held; etc….
Evidence of professional growth and development: (1) participation in professional development programs such as workshops, seminars, mentoring programs, self instruction activities, short courses, or courses for credit, etc….
Awards or statements of recognition.
Professional Advancement System
Category I |
Category II |
Category III | Category IV |
With supervision, assists in coordinating activities and events; limited teaching |
Participates in design, implementation and evaluation of programs, some teaching |
Primary responsibility for design, implementation and evaluation of a major continuing program, project or seminar |
Direct, coordinate and administer a variety of broad programs or series of programs or projects |
BS Degree* preferred |
BS required* |
MS required* |
MS required*, PhD desirable for some positions |
*Or equivalent experience |
MS preferred Experience in program planning and administration |
Experience in educational curriculum Development and teaching or research Experience in program planning and administration |
Considerable knowledge of education administration, program planning and administration |
Characteristic Responsibilities – Criteria
Note: It must be recognized that each position has unique aspects and may in some cases overlap two categories. The listed responsibilities area examples, not all apply to any given position. A "best fit" approach will be used in determining assignment to categories.
Category I:
Category III
Category II
Category IV
Guidelines for Development of Position Description
For Administrative/Professional Categories
Organize the position description using the format and order described below. Most position descriptions will be approximately two to three pages in length. Use the following guidelines:
Function statement tells why and where the position exists. Core elements of the function statement would include the following:
Purpose of the position – why it exists
Scope/relative impact – this includes both level of independent judgment or how often you make decisions without checking with a supervisor or another individual and consequences or implications of actions you take or mistakes you might make. More complex and far-reaching consequences heighten the scope or impact of the position.
Contextual information – important facts about the unit (department) the position is attached to and expectations of the position related to criteria for performance. Identification of who the position reports to.
Supervisory responsibility for projects and/or people. Other human resources responsibilities.
Fiscal role/responsibility – level of responsibility, accountability and dollars managed
Summary of duties is a brief overview of position duties and responsibilities. It should not repeat information in the function statement. It should describe key duties and clarify how the position fits the mission, vision and values of Extension and contributes to OSU Extension.
Description of essential duties – Categorize and list major tasks in order of importance. Duties are stated as action verbs/object statements that describe the action, behavior or outcome desired. These description statements focus on contributions and performance deemed critical to fulfilling the role and achieving the outcomes expected. While these general responsibilities may not change dramatically from year to year, priorities may change or responsibilities may grow over time. Include percentages to indicate the proportion of time spent on general responsibilities you have outlined thus far.
Specific short-term tasks, duties and assignments may vary from year to year. It is important for each staff person to keep the basic position description updated and include an attachment of specific duties and responsibilities negotiated with the supervisor and pertinent for the current year. These specific duties and responsibilities become the focus of the annual performance review, but over time could become part of the outcome criteria.
For more information on writing position descriptions go to: http://hr.osu.edu/hrpubs/cst/posdescrip.pdf
Position Description Worksheet
Department or Unit ________________________________________________________________
Working Title ____________________________________________________
Experience - Include previous related work experience and dates. Clearly indicate years in current position.
Education - Degree(s), college and field of study
Function Statement (Why the Position Exists)
Summary of Duties (Overview of Duties)
Description of Essential Duties (4 or 5 major categories describing the major tasks and how they are to be completed along with a percentage of time allocated to each)
Specific Short-Term Assignments (may vary from year to year)
Application – Cover Sheet
Reclassification Extension Professional Advancement System (EPAS)
Applicants: Follow directions in Guidelines for OSU Extension Professional Advancement System. Submit this application during fall quarter to your unit head who will gather input and forward it to OSU Extension Human Resources. Be certain to attach: (1) an updated position description using the outline in the Guidelines; (2) a written narrative documenting performance in the seven designated areas: program development and implementation; professional interaction, teaching, publications and communication, professional participation and recognition, professional growth and development and awards. Including this cover sheet, your document should not exceed five pages.
Name: Date:
OSU ID: Department #:
Highest Degree Earned: Department Name:
Date of Hire in Present Position: Current Classification:
List split FTE for joint appointments or less than 100% in home department
Dept. # Dept. Name FTE
___Category I, Program Assistant ___Category III, Program Manager ___Category IV, Program Director ___Category II, Program Coordinator ___Category III, Program Specialist
Recommend | Do Not Recommend | Date | Signature | |
Unit Head | ||||
Department Chair | ||||
Extension Asst. Director or RD | ||||
OSU Extension Human Resources | ||||
OSU Extension Department Chair |
Reviewed by: Garee Earnest – 2013