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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


OSU Extension Name Guidelines, Office Signage, and Staff Titles

Ohio State University Extension was originally called the "Ohio Cooperative Extension Service." That name was changed by the Ohio legislature a number of years ago, and our proper name is now Ohio State University Extension.

There are several guidelines for use of the name in print.

Use Ohio State University Extension on first reference, even if The Ohio State University has been spelled out previously. On second and other subsequent references, you may use OSU Extension or Extension.

Do not use Ohio State Extension or The Ohio State University Extension.
Never use OSUE, OSU-E, OSUEX or OSU-EX.

Do not use acronyms or abbreviations (i.e. OSUE, OSU-E, OSUEX or OSU-EX). In cases where space is limited, such as chart or graph headings, you may use only OSUE as the abbreviation.

To represent the physical county office, use XXXX County office of Ohio State University Extension, not XXXX County Extension. On second reference, use XXXX County office of OSU Extension. Example: the Franklin County office of Ohio State University Extension.

If space is tight on some event signs, etc., you can use OSU Extension – XXXX County. Please use this option sparingly.

If Central State University Extension employees are co-located in a county, the office name should be presented as the XXXX County office of Ohio State University Extension and Central State University Extension.

Note: As of March 2022, county office exterior (wayfinding) signage, as approved by University Marketing, uses the Extension mark and XXX County on the signage. Examples of the signage are shared in this OSU Extension exterior signage guide

All exterior office signage designs must be reviewed and approved by the CFAES brand approval team ( Contact Cheryl Buck, Extension communication manager, at for more information.

Staff Titles

When referencing the title of an educator, program coordinator, field specialist, other program staff, use (for example): employee name, educator, agriculture and natural resources, OSU Extension; or employee name, program coordinator, 4-H youth development, OSU Extenson – Franklin County; or employee name, field specialist, youth, nutrition and wellness, OSU Extension.

When referencing a staff member, use (for example): employee name, office associate, OSU Extension or employee name, office associate, OSU Extension – Franklin County.

On the first reference of a staff title, spell out Ohio State University Extension if the name has not been spelled out previously in the document.

updated March 2022