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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Collaboration with the Regional Campuses

A Framework for Collaboration with the Regional Campuses

All initial contacts from regional campuses for matters concerning offering courses with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences begin with the associate dean and director of academic programs, CFAES:

  • To request courses to be offered
  • To plan quarters of offerings for each course
  • To see approval of instructors for courses
  • To schedule distance education facilities

College degree-granting departments must approve of:

  • Offering of any course
  • Instructor for any course each time offered

All matters related to requirements for any majors or minors offered through the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (Note: students on regional campuses will meet the same requirements as Columbus students)

When regional campuses use incumbent faculty in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, the regional campus will negotiate the price they are willing to pay with the associate dean and director of academic programs, CFAES or their designee. The associate dean will then work with the department chair. If the chair concludes this instruction is a part of the faculty member’s normal load, funds will go to the department. If the instruction is an "overload," CFAES policies will be followed.

When departments in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences approve of individuals proposed by the regional campuses to teach on the regional campuses, these faculty will participate in orientation sessions with departmental faculty prior to offering a course. CFAES departments will monitor the quality of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences courses offered on the regional campuses.

When CFAES faculty teach courses via distance delivery to the regional campuses, the regional campus will be expected to provide an approved facilitator on site to facilitate the course. After three to five years of experience, these arrangements will be formally reviewed.

Costs of offering a course will be paid by the campus(es) receiving the instruction if they generate the fees and subsidy involved. All sites will charge standard Ohio State tuition and fees as they apply to that site. (Note: regional campuses and ATI currently have a slightly different fee schedule than the Columbus campus). Those not desiring credit will pay 50 percent fee rate charged to students who register for credit.

The associate dean and director of academic programs,CFAES will work with the other associate deans to arrive at specific decisions as the need arises.

September 1998; Revised – March 2000. Updated – January 2008

Procedure for Approving Department of Extension Faculty and Staff to Teach Credit Courses for Ohio State Regional Campuses

  1. All requests for instruction must originate with the regional campus associate dean who will then contact the associate dean and director of academic programs, CFAES with such requests.

  2. The associate dean and director of academic programs, CFAES asks chair of the Department of Extension to check with appropriate associate chair or unit head and discuss if the department of Extension endorses consideration of the request.

  3. If endorsement is provided by the Department of Extension, the senior associate dean asks for vita; submits to academic department which controls the course(s) in question. The department makes the determination.

  4. If the department approves, the associate dean and director of academic programs, CFAES notifies applicant and chair of Department of Extension about the approval, as well as regional campus dean.

    1. Actual approval to teach the course must be negotiated between the Extension professional and the county chair, associate chair or unit head and the chair of the Department of Extension each time, (i.e. quarter of offering) to be sure it fits with assigned duties for that period of time. It is the responsibility of the Extension professional to be sure all appropriate Extension administrators of the Department of Extension are appropriately involved each time.

  5. As a general rule, Extension professionals will not receive direct pay. The Department of Extension will negotiate cost with regional campus. Funds will be transferred to the appropriate Extension unit. The chair of Department of Extension may negotiate a rate of reimbursement for release time sufficient to cover travel or may have regional campus reimburse travel directly to the county faculty member.

  6. Effective July 2000, Extension professionals may request supplemental compensation as an alternative to release time. A case must be made that duties are substantially outside the scope or reasonable potential scope of the individual’s position and that release time is not a feasible option. Supplemental compensation is intended for short-term arrangements, not as an ongoing compensation strategy. For on-going situations, release time or similar options are preferred. Approval for internal supplemental compensation rests with the Department of Extension and the college dean.

NOTE: Similar arrangements can be considered for Stone Lab.

Approved by Extension Administrative Cabinet – April 2000 and CFAES – May 2000
Reviewed and approved – December 2009