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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Specialty Crops Production Systems: Logan Minter

Picture of Logan Minter

Specialty Area
Specialty Crops Production Systems, Integrated Pest Management 

BS Natural Sciences, Chemistry Concentration, Shawnee State University; BS Biology, Shawnee State University; MS Entomology, University of Kentucky; Graduate Certificate: Applied Statistics, University of Kentucky; Graduate Certificate, College Teaching and Learning, University of Kentucky; PhD Entomology, University of Kentucky

Professional Background
Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Upward Bound Programs, Shawnee State University; prior faculty roles: Marietta College, Unity College, Kentucky Community and Technical College System; Senior Laboratory Technician, University of Kentucky; Naturalist, Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources; student assistant, OSU/OARDC South Centers

Specialization/Focus Area
Working with growers and other stakeholder groups to develop and disseminate sustainable practices to diversity and strengthen the agricultural community of Ohio. Investigation of new crops and production methods as well as fine-tuning system management to increase return on investment and overall sustainability.

Plan of Action 
Develop comprehensive applied research and extension materials with emphasis on Ohio specialty crops. Foster partnerships focused on data-driven decision making. Conduct and produce authentic, learner-centric educational programs (field days, workshops, presentations, webinars) and educational materials (factsheets, videos, newsletter articles) relevant to current issues facing specialty crop growers.

Team Work


Academic Connections
Associate Professor, OSU Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences (courtesy). Coordination of Ohio Integrated Pest Management Program, including collaborations with OSU Departments of Entomology, Plant Pathology, Extension, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, Horticulture and Crop Science, and School of Environment and Natural Resources, OSU Mansfield, and Central State University.

YouTube Channel
The Ohio State University South Centers

Contact Logan | or 740-970-2053