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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Organizational and Community Leadership Development: Brian Raison

Picture of Brian Raison

Specialty Area
Organizational and Community Leadership Development 

BS, business, The Ohio State University; MA, sociology, Ohio University; PhD, agricultural Extension education, The Ohio State University

Professional Background
Educator, community development, and professor, OSU Extension; communications and government affairs manager, Mead Corporation (Chillicothe, Ohio and Kingsport, Tennessee); economic development director, Chillicothe, Ohio

Specialization/Focus Area
Community and organizational leadership development (leadership programming and facilitation, strategic planning, vision-to-action, nonprofit leadership). Special focus on mentoring initiatives for employee personal and professional development, and on instructional strategies in nonformal adult education.

Plan of Action:
I work to bring together resources - people, information, ideas, and processes - to positively affect outcomes larger than otherwise possible. The majority of my teaching is not end-user content. Instead, I most often teach, coach, or consult with educators, faculty members, nonprofit leaders, local government directors, and other managers and administrators to equip them with process skills. Examples include mentoring, coaching, facilitation, strategic thinking, formal and non-formal instructional strategies, online engagement, and other critical leadership skill sets. My goal is to build capacity in these leaders so they can better reach, teach, and lead an exponential number of end-users, clients, and students. This work is greatly enhanced by using broad and diverse inputs with an open and inclusive mindset. This enhances outcomes and positive impacts for all.

Academic Connections
Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership

Contact Brian | or 937-736-7210