BS, agricultural mechanization and systems and agricultural education, The Ohio State University; MS, education, Purdue University; Certified Crop Advisor (CCA); Certified Livestock Manager (CLM)
Professional Background
Professor, OSU Extension; Field Specialist, OSU Extension; Educator, agriculture and natural resources, OSU Extension; vocational education instructor and FFA advisor
Specialization/Focus Area
Manure nutrient management systems and livestock mortality composting
Plan of Action
Conduct on-farm applied research and demonstration plots on utilizing liquid manure with wheat and corn to better capture manure nutrients. Share results through OSU Extension Manure Science Review, Agronomics Crops Team, Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference, Farm Science Review, Midwest Professional Nutrient Applicators Association, and North American Manure Expo. Teach Livestock mortality composting workshops.Â
Team Work
- Livestock Ventilation Workshops - with use of the university's ventilation trailerÂ
Academic Connections
Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Social Media
Ohio State University Environmental and Manure Management
Contact Glen | or 419-235-4724