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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Beef Cattle: Garth Ruff

Picture of Garth Ruff

Specialty Area
Beef Cattle

2015 B.S. Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University; 2017 M.S. Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University 

Professional Background
2017-2020 Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator Henry County; 2020-2023 Field Specialist, Beef Cattle; 2023-Present Assistant Professor and Field Specialist, Beef Cattle and Livestock Marketing

Specialization/Focus Area
Beef production, meat science, livestock marketing

Plan of Action
Conduct applied research and develop Extension curriculum in the areas of beef production and livestock marketing 

Team Work

Academic Connections
Department of Animal Sciences; Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute

Social Media

Contact Garth | or 740-305-3201