ESP Excellence in Extension Award
ESP Excellence in Extension Award
Vicki Schwartz
Associate State Leader - 4-H Youth Development
Steve D. Ruhl ANR County Extension Award
Steve D. Ruhl ANR County Extension Award
Mark Mechling - Muskingum County
Marilyn Spiegel Excellence in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Award
Marilyn Spiegel Excellence in Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Award
Melinda Hill - Wayne County, Marilyn Spiegel, Karen Bruns
Charles W. Lifer Excellence in 4-H Award
Charles W. Lifer Excellence in 4-H Award
Bruce Zimmer - Monroe County
Friend of Community Development Award
Friend of Community Development Award
COSI (Center of Science and Industry)
Greg Davis (for OSUE), Azuka MuMin, David Chesebrough, Rita Deedrick
Extension Support Staff Excellence Award
Extension Support Staff Excellence Award
Cheryl Fischnich - office associate, Northeast Region
JCEP/ESP Meritorious Support Service Award
JCEP/ESP Meritorious Support Service Award
Mary Jo Westfall - Office Associate, Monroe County
Ohio JCEP Friend of Extension Award
Ohio JCEP Friend of Extension Award
Dave Fox Remodeling
Front row: Bryce and Gina Jacob
Back row: Carol Miller, Dr. Meg Teaford, Pat Holmes
Ohio JCEP Friend of Extension Award
Ohio JCEP Friend of Extension Award
Five Rivers Metroparks - Montgomery County
Front row: Becky Benna, Kim Catchpole
Back row: Nate Arnett, Charles
Ohio JCEP Friend of Extension Award
Ohio JCEP Friend of Extension Award
Dr. Tony Forshey
DVM - state veterinarian, Ohio Department of Agriculture
NAE4-HA Achievement in Service: Jenny Morlock, Jamie McConnell, Heather Gottke
NAE4-HA Achievement in Service: Jenny Morlock, Jamie McConnell, Heather Gottke
NAE4-HA Distinguished Service: Joy Sharp, Mark Light, Sally McClaskey
NAE4-HA Distinguished Service: Joy Sharp, Mark Light, Sally McClaskey