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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Tractor and Machinery Certification Train-the-Trainer In-Service

Aug 1, 2016, 10:00am - 3:00pm
$20 per person
Gwynne Conservation Building at Farm Science Review, London, Ohio
Dee Jepsen

Tractor and Machinery Certification classes continue to be requested by our Ohio residents and ag employers. The ONLY agencies eligible to certify youth are EXTENSION EDUCATORS and HIGH SCHOOL AG EDUCATION TEACHERS (per federal legislation). This in-service helps clarify how OSU Extension educators can satisfy their federal training requirements to offer safety programs valuable to youth working on Ohio farms, greenhouses, and other agri-businesses. Youth receive a "Department of Labor Certificate of Training" after they participate in these county-based programs.

The OSUE Ag Health and Safety office has received a higher-than-normal number of requests for understanding this law, including how to conduct a tractor training program for youth in their area. To help 4-H and ANR Extension educators understand this program and how to involve other instructors to coordinate the program in their county, we are offering a one day in-service:

This training is open to anyone in Ohio teaching or assisting with tractor safety programs. The resource book is already in the 4-H Family Guide: National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program. Participants will learn how to use this book as a safety resource and training program. Registration is limited to 40 participants.

$20 registration covers a resource packet and lunch
Email your registration to Dee Jepsen at