Publishing Your Extension Work: How to be Successful - Webinar Part 2
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Extension Colleagues:
Are you interested in writing about and publishing your work in peer reviewed outlets (fact sheets, conference proceedings and academic journals)? This can carry rewards for the author, OSU Extension, and the readers. But Extension professionals can be a bit intimidated when thinking about submitting their work for peer review. Reasons for this include fear of rejection, or simply not knowing how to get started. This is normal.
I’ll be hosting a 2-part series on “Publishing your work” on October 22 and 29th. We will hear from Dr. Tom Blaine for about 25 minutes. Then, we’ll have a 25-minute Q&A to get into the details of how you can be successful! Please join us.
(Tues., Oct. 29) - Part 2: “Following Up for Success” - You will learn how to see your manuscript through to publication step by step including (1) how to respond to reviews and (2) how to avoid common mistakes (e.g., tracking versions of the manuscript, etc.). Some reviewers can be quite harsh. This session will teach you how to take the “lemons” and make “lemonade,” leveraging the input reviewers provide. We will also discuss how to refute a critique when appropriate.
Presenter: Thomas W. Blaine has published dozens of peer reviewed articles in journals, fact sheets, and conference proceedings. His work has been cited hundreds of times by scholars all over the world. Dr. Blaine has served as a peer reviewer for approximately 25 different journals, averaging over 20 peer reviews a year. He is eager and willing to share his expertise on publications with his colleagues here at Ohio State.
Host: Brian Raison has served OSU Extension for over 25 years in our Community Development program area. He works statewide as a Leadership Field Specialist, and has published widely on CD, 4-H youth, FCS, and DEI-related topics.
Use the link below to attend: