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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Plasticulture Strawberry Field Day

Aug 4, 2015, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Catalpa Grove Farm - 41473 OH-14, Columbiana OH 44408

Join us in northeast Ohio to talk about plasticulture strawberry production. For those of us north of I-70, this type of produce requires some unique management due to early frosts and winter conditions. Thus, we will give an overview of plasticulture strawberry production and focus on the unique issues in the northern half of Ohio. As popularity grows, so do the benefits of using plasticulture, such as increased profit and efficiency.

During this program, we will learn what to plant where and how to keep diseases at bay. We will also discuss how to keep your strawberries profitable from year to year. This program is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Our featured speaker will be Brad Bergefurd, Extension specialist for horticulture. Brad conducts research and Extension programs in vegetable crops and plasticulture strawberries.

More information is available at