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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


A Day in the Woods - 2nd Friday Series

Sep 9, 2016, 9:00am - 3:30pm
Vinton Furnace State Forest - McArthur, Ohio
Dave Apsley

“A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” are sponsored by the education and demonstration subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest in conjunction with Ohio State University Extension with support from ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton County Soil and Water Conservation District, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, National Wild Turkey Federation, Glatfelter and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.

The programs scheduled for 2016 include: Spring Edibles (May 13); Woodland Roads and Trails (June 10); Cicadas and Wildlife (July 8); Tree Identification (July 22); Preparing your Woods for an Uncertain Future (Aug 12); Streams and Streamside Forests (Aug 26); Wildlife and Human Interactions (Sept 9); Propagating Native Trees, Shrubs and Herbs (Oct 14); A Night in the Forest (Nov 4); and Winter Tree Identification (Nov 18). See brochure for details.

For more information, visit A registration fee of $10 per class includes lunch and handouts. Please RSVP to or 740-596-5212 (OSU Extension – Vinton County) by the registration deadline for each class.