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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


ANR Retreat

The 2023 ANR Retreat Planning Committee is excited to host 2023 ANR Retreat in beautiful Geauga County with Punderson Manor State Park Lodge, 11755 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065 ( as our base. 

The committee has worked hard to bring you professional development, networking, and socialization throughout our 2023 retreat!  ANR Extension will be covering costs for room rental, buses, rental for Tuesday evening’s gathering and you will only be charged $115 for FOOD ONLY!

The agenda is attached for your review and use as you create your Spend Authorizations and make your lodge (or cabin) accommodation arrangements for the retreat.  You can book your lodge room or cabin by calling Punderson at 440-564-9144 using our block code of OSUEANR.  The room block will be open through April 25, so ACT NOW to secure your room or cabin!  Room rates under the block (through April 25) will be $125 + state sales tax, local bed tax and park beautification tax (sales tax exempt if paying with an OSU PCard but bring your tax-exempt form with you)!

Act now to:

  • Obtain your spend authorization.  For your Spend Authorization, please use vendor/merchant, INTERNAL: OS/ANR Extension, IF you are not spending the night and only doing a day trip include the conference registration and mileage for this trip.  Don’t forget to attach a copy of the retreat agenda to your spend authorization request.  You will need your SA# before completing your retreat registration.
  • Make your room/cabin reservation (Block open thru April 25.)  Call Punderson at 440-564-9144 using our block code of OSUEANR.
  • Complete your registration (Registration closes May 15 at 12:00 PM).  Registration link:
  • Plan to have a good time, learn about NE Ohio Agriculture and Natural Resources, connect with new/newer ANR Extension faculty and staff, and connect/reconnect with colleagues from across the state!