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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


American Evaluation Association 2018 Annual Conference

Learn more about the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference online.

The conference pulls in a fairly large crowd of evaluation professionals from all over the world. There are 57 topical interest groups (TIG) of which Extension Education Evaluation (EEE-TIG) is one. We have a fairly active group of Extension professionals from across the country who attend and present every year.

Call for Proposals
Session proposals are currently being accepted – deadline is March 15. You do not have to be a member of AEA to submit a proposal; just create a free, non-member account and submit. Please be sure to select “Extension Education Evaluation” as the “reviewing TIG.” There are a variety of options in presentation type including posters, ignites, papers, panels, demonstrations, etc. For more information about submitting a proposal, check online.

See the attached list of the Extension sessions from last year.