2015 Agricultural Lender Seminars
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These seminars are excellent professional development opportunities for lenders, Farm Service Agency personnel, county Extension educators and others to learn about OSU Extension research, outreach programs and current agricultural topics of interest across the state.
Topics and speakers at all 2015 seminars:
Land Values, Cash Rents, Crop Input Costs and Potential Crop Profitability in 2016
- Barry Ward, leader, Production Business Management, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University
Current Agricultural Law Topics: Lease Enforceability, Lease Termination, Guarantee of Lease Payment, Drone (UAV) legislation, Nuisance, Trespassing/Recreational User
- Peggy Hall, J.D., Ohio State University Extension, field specialist, Agricultural and Resource Law
Additional topics by location:
- Urbana (Oct 26) – Ag Tax Provisions (Sec. 179, AFYD, and CAUV), Ag Fertilizer Management and Regulations, Crop Insurance Tools in the 2014 Farm Bill
- Ottawa (Nov 2) – Ag Fertilizer Regulations and Manure Utilization Technology, Crop Insurance Tools in the 2014 Farm Bill, Swine Contract Buildings & Swine Industry Update
- Wooster (Nov 3) – Examining the Farm Bill ARC/PLC Programs and Crop Insurance Options, Farm Tax Update, Dairy Production Update: Controlling Input Costs, Hops Production and Start-up Costs, Nutrient Management Update, Poultry Industry Update: Contracts and Concerns
Extension colleagues can RSVP and attend at NO COST. Send a note to Bruce Clevenger (clevenger.10@osu.edu) that you’d like to attend).The standard registration to attend one of the Ag Lender Seminars is $65, and the registration deadline is one week prior to the seminar you wish to attend. Registration forms are available online at http://defiance.osu.edu/events/ag-lender-seminars-scheduled. Registration is centralized at OSU Extension – Defiance County.