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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


A&P Promotion Season

- Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Pathway Forward

It’s that time of year again! Time to talk about A&P educator promotion. We celebrated promotion of 38 A&P educators in the 2021 class and now is the time to gear up for the 2022 class.

Thanks to Terri Fisher, we have tried to anticipate everything you need to know and organized it online to help you navigate the pathway forward. Here are the basics to get you started:

  • January 1 – nomination is needed!! The nomination is a simple note from your supervisor, state program leader(s), or associate chair and your annual performance reviews since last promotion or date of hire (whichever is most recent) sent to Terri at fisher.456 and cc’d to all relevant parties. Remember, you can also self-nominate. If you want to discuss which is better, please call me!
  • January 15 – candidacy decision is made. You will know by this date whether you will be invited to proceed as a candidate. Depending on your current rank, additional documentation will be requested including teaching evaluations (for A&P II, III, and IV candidates), peer feedback (A&P III candidates) and clientele feedback (A&P IV candidates).
  • February 1 – draft 3-page narrative is due. Example narratives are found online. Remember, you are applying for a new position when you apply for promotion – describe in your 3-page narrative what you have done in your current role to make you qualified for the new role. Showcase your skills and impact of your efforts. Expect feedback designed to help you better tell your story. Your review team wants you to be successful in your career progression.
  • March 15 – final 3-page narrative is due. You have nothing more to submit. No worries now, let the process work.
  • April – your review committee meets. Comprised of your supervisor, state program leader(s), and associate chair, this group will determine whether to recommend advancement to the department chair by May 1.
  • May 15 – department chair will decide.

Ready to learn more? Please join in one or more of the scheduled A&P educator promotion virtual lunch and learn discussions scheduled for November 17, 19 and December 2, 14 (noon-1pm each day). The informal conversation is designed to answer your specific questions. Go here to join on any of the dates. 

To prepare you for those discussions, please review the A&P educator promotion-related content in significantly more detail found here.  And as always, if you feel the need to talk one-on-one, do not hesitate to contact me! (davis.1081 or 614-292-8793)

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