A&P Educator Promotion Process UPDATES
We finally made it! Today I am happy to share recent changes to the A&P educator promotion process. The changes are the product of numerous conversations to gain feedback and insights. Thank you everyone for your input and guidance in this effort to make it easier to understand the process.
The key changes are highlighted below. Significantly more detail and everything A&P educator promotion-related is found online (thank you, Terri Fisher!).
What are the key changes?
- “Minimum three years in rank”. A nomination now replaces the minimum time in rank. The nomination is a simple note from the educator’s supervisor, assistant director(s), associate chair and a draft 3-page narrative from the educator by February 1. An educator can also self-nominate.
- Two votes. Before March 1, a review committee comprised of the educator’s supervisor, assistant director(s), and associate chair will decide whether the educator will proceed. For those moving forward, additional documentation will be considered and inform a second recommendation vote occurring in April (see next bullet!)
- Scaled documentation. As an A&P educator proceeds through the ranks, the documentation required for consideration of promotion becomes more involved. Additional documentation referenced above includes teaching evaluations (for A&P II, III, and IV candidates), annual performance reviews and peer feedback (A&P III candidates) and clientele feedback (A&P IV candidates).
- “Three consecutive years of exceeding expectations”. We have opted to replace this with a new minimum standard: Demonstrating a record of performance that exceeds expectations over the time period more often than not. So, assuming an educator’s performance has been reviewed five times since last promotion, exceeding expectations in 3 of those 5 annual reviews would be required for promotion.
Ready to learn more? Remember that everything A&P educator promotion-related including significantly more detail is found here. In addition, two A&P educator promotion workshops are scheduled for December 11 and 16 from 1:30-2:30 (via Zoom). Please RSVP to fisher.456 for workshop connection info. If you are unable to attend, both will be recorded and found here.
And as always, if you have questions and want to talk more, do not hesitate to contact me! (davis.1081 or 614-292-8793)
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