Getting to Know Greg Davis
I assumed the roles of associate director, programs, and chair of the department of Extension in August 2019 (a future post will highlight these roles and how they relate to this blog.) Prior to this position, I served as the assistant director-community development (AD-CD) for nine years where I focused primarily on engaging with CD professionals in developing programs, curriculum, and partnerships in pursuit of applied scholarship and funding/revenue. Interwoven throughout these program efforts was a focus on the professional development of faculty and staff.
Prior to CD AD role, I provided statewide leadership to Extension community economics and business programs via a collaboration between the Departments of Extension and Agriculture, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) from 2005-2010. In this role I had the opportunity to engage with roughly 80 Extension professionals throughout Ohio serving the needs of roughly 12 million Ohioans, of which roughly 45% were employed in manufacturing, services, and trade. Collaboratively we focused on community-based applied research, teaching, and service focused on empowering individuals, groups, organizations, and communities to better understand their economy and methods for strengthening it. Key programs included business retention & expansion, retail market analysis, and economic impact analysis.
I also have served as a district specialist (CD in the 17-county northwest district) and a county educator (CD in Fulton and Crawford counties) after having been hired as the last “agent-in-training”. Throughout these roles, I have also had the opportunity to serve in various interim leadership capacities such as director of Extension, director of CFAES government affairs, assistant director – ANR, and district specialist.
I grew up mostly in northwest Ohio (Hancock County) and still have family roots there and in the coal-country of southwestern Pennsylvania (Fayette County). And while I really enjoy my Extension work, I also really enjoy getting away from it on a regular basis. When I do, I like to relax with family and friends doing most anything outdoors (boating, fishing, biking, running, hiking) and enjoying tasty breakfast foods at every meal.
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