A&P Promotion Season is Here!
Early January means we are on the verge of full-on A&P promotion season. I am so excited to be able to engage so many colleagues in this process of professional growth and advancement! I am also excited to really get focused on promotion in these blog pages. See the changes to the process in our November 18 blog post. And see web-based resources focused on educator expectations, writing your narrative, the timeline and review process, and step by step instructions online (thank you, Terri Fisher!).
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions to date. Feel free to follow up with me (davis.1081) or post a comment if you would like more info.
Who nominates and what does that nomination look like?
Ideally, the nomination isn’t a “surprise” for any member of the team… i.e. they have been in communication regarding educator performance, readiness to move forward, etc.
The nomination is as simple as a note to Terri Fisher.456 (and cc’d to the other team members) stating, “I would like to nominate XYZ for consideration for promotion.” This nomination triggers the important next steps Terri handles for us, always with a most pleasant smile (e.g. arranging team review meetings, setting up folders/files, tracking recommendations, follow up, etc).
The educator or any other members of the team can nominate (e.g. area leader, assistant director, associate chair, and/or director of operations in cases where the educator is also an area leader).
Who should send the draft 3-page narrative and to whom is it sent?
Educators are encouraged to submit their draft narrative. Why? To reinforce a sense of team, ownership (see final question below), personal responsibility, etc… Educators are also encouraged to submit the final 3-page narrative should they be recommended to move forward by the review committee.
Three-page narratives should be sent to Terri Fisher.456 (and cc’d to the other team members).
Regardless of when you plan to submit, I would encourage you to maintain a draft 3-page narrative that you update every so often as a way to help you see the “big picture” of your work.
By when do the nomination and draft narrative need turned in?
February 1… Based on what Terri receives, she will scramble to align review team calendars such that we can meet to make the determination regarding the educators moving forward.
What are the other key dates?
March 15 is the deadline for educators (who are to move forward) to submit a final narrative, peer evaluation of teaching letters, and annual performance reviews.
April 1-30… Review committees will be meeting throughout April to make formal recommendations to the director of Extension by May 1. The candidate’s supervisor is tasked with authoring the review committee recommendation letter addressed to the director of Extension on behalf of the associate chair. To aid in consistency, a recommendation letter template will be provided.
How does one reconcile the draft 3-page narrative feedback and guidance?
Well, remember that feedback and guidance is generally shared with the best of intentions, and…
At the end of the day the author is ultimately the “owner” of their narrative. Their work, like their 3-page narrative, belongs to them. As the author, what you decide to do with feedback is your choice. As the well-intentioned colleague, don't take offense if your suggestions don't make the final cut.
Thank you for continuing to establish and strengthen our lines of communication with team members. The level of interest I have seen in working together more as a team strengthens my belief in the notion that professional growth and advancement is best approached as a team sport! It is truly uplifting to learn more about the difference we make across Ohio.
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