My Three-Page Draft is Submitted, What Comes Next?
February 1 is just around the corner and a key date for A&P educators who are interested in being considered for promotion. I am so happy to see a steady flow of draft three-page narratives and nominations*. Terri and I expect this to continue leading up to the deadline and want to make you aware of what comes next in this post.
If you haven’t or don’t plan to submit this year but want to learn about the A&P promotion process, please review our November 18 blog post. Terri Fisher has also posted resources focused on educator expectations, writing your narrative, the timeline and review process, and step by step instructions online.
Initial review - February 1 to March 1. Your supervisor, assistant director/s, and associate chair will discuss eligibility and accomplishments illustrated in the draft narrative. This review committee will determine whether you move forward after which you will receive notification (and further instruction) from Terri Fisher. A member of the review committee will contact you regarding suggested revisions to your three-page narrative, if applicable, as well.
Final submission - March 15. If you are invited to move forward this year, you will submit your final three-page narrative and evaluation documentation, including peer evaluations of teaching and annual performance reviews.
Review committee recommendations - April. Committees will meet to consider documentation and render recommendations to the Extension Director. Your supervisor will author the review committee recommendation letter addressed to the director of Extension on behalf of the associate chair. You and the Director of Extension will receive this letter by May 1.
Final determination - May 1-15. The Director of Extension will make the final determination on promotion and notify the candidate regarding the promotion decision which becomes effective September 1.
Please remember that much of this process is new. Please feel free to work through it in ‘evaluation mode’ with me and Terri Fisher and share feedback and suggestions for improvement at any point you see fit!
*The nomination is as simple as a note to Terri Fisher (fisher.456 and cc’d to the other team members) stating, “I would like to nominate XYZ for consideration for promotion.” Should you nominate yourself? That’s not my ideal, but the option exists in cases where your review team members don’t feel able to do so. Let me know if you want to talk more about this. Three-page narratives should be sent to Terri Fisher (fisher.456 and cc’d to your review committee members).
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