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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


County Centennial Celebrations

Each county is encouraged to hold Smith-Lever Centennial celebrations at the local level. You can involve your advisory committee, volunteers and others.

Centennial Proclamation – County Template

The national proclamation language has been adjusted slightly to highlight the importance of the county partnership in the Cooperative Extension System. County directors – you can work with your county commissioners or other local officials to develop a local proclamation if you want that to be part of your county celebration. County Template

County Event Ideas

A number of Centeninal celebrations have taken place through 2014.

  • Add the Ohio Centennial logo to e-mail signatures and on regular correspondence. Logo files are available on the state Centennial activities page.. (all)
  • Local newspaper articles, social media posts, news releases - Extension history and county Extension history (all)
  • Promotional item(s) with Centennial logo. (all)
  • $100 fund-raising campaign (multiple counties)
  • Poster contest – display winners at county fair. (multiple counties)
  • The Adams County commissioners will be signing/presenting OSUE – Adams County with an official Extension Centennial proclamation on May 5 (at 4pm). Weather-permitting, this will take place on the courthouse steps, with local media coverage. Refreshments will follow. The Government Service Center/Annex is the weather back-up location. (Adams County)
  • Fair events – comments at the opening ceremony, livestock sale remarks and exhibitor meetings; participation in an expanded 4-H VIP reception; and activities in conjunction with Cloverbud interviews during fair week. The county 4-H Advisory Committee selected "Adams County Commissioners - Past and Present" as their VIPs this year, and the three current commissioners attended the fair's opening ceremonies for this recognition. See the Centennial celebration flier and photos. The 4-H VIP script is a good example that other counties may reference. (Adams County)
  • Annual open house will incorporate the Centennial celebration. Current and prospective Adventure Central families will attend the event, during which after-school participants will showcase their science projects. A short presentation will highlight the Smith-Lever Act anniversary and the importance of Extension in the community. (Adventure Central)
  • Family event - date TBD - at the Extension office. Will have displays, interactive STEM challenges, cake/ice cream, and other family activities. (Ashland County)
  • Legislative luncheon held during the county fair that was attended by representatives from the Athens County Fair Board, the 2014 fair queen and her court, Ohio Representative Debbie Phillips, Ohio Senator Lou Gentile, and the Athens City Mayor Paul Wiehl. See summary and photos attached. (Athens County)
  • Window displays at local businesses. (Brown County)
  • Fall 100-year celebration in conjunction with volunteer and 4-H recognition event. (Brown County)
  • During the county fair -- "Then and Now" display in the 4-H tent. Will also have the "Why We Love Extension" banner posted so local patrons can sign it with their memories and thoughts about Extension. (Carroll County)
  • Centennial Celebration Open House in September -- will share a video of past and current Extension memories, as well as displays with highlights of the 2013-2014 4-H year, and highlights of the 2013-2014 ANR year. (Carroll County)
  • Extension insert in local newspaper - articles by county staff, news releases. The newspaper will also print articles in the pre-fair, fair and post-fair inserts, as well as on the newspaper website. (Champaign County)
  • County fair display. Cookies with the Centennial logo on the wrapper will be passed out during the fair. An Ohio Treasurer's Office representative will present a proclamation to Extension during youth night at the fair. (Champaign County)
  • "Cooperative Extension Month" - see Clermont County press release (Clermont County)
  • County fair "week of Centennial celebrations" - see list and fair book advertisement. Check out some photos from the interactive photo booth at the fair! (Clermont County)
  • A local Whit's Frozen Custard store will feature an OSU Extension Centennial Sundae for the month of June. Check out the list of ingredients in this photo. Dr. Smith agrees with Emily Adams (photo) - it tastes great! (Coshocton County)
  • Displays celebrating the Centennial were used at the county fair. One display photo is attached. (Crawford County)
  • In May, the county commissioners signed a proclamation. Numerous Extension supporters, as well as county office staff, were on hand for this event (see photo). In June, Extension Centennial information was shared during a monthly radio program, “Community Ties”, on a local radio station. In August, the Extension office had a display at the county fair with information about all program areas, as well as items from the archive. The display included testimonials from clientele who shared what Extension has meant to them and their families over the years. Fair goers could also sign the “I (heart) OSU Extension” Centennial banner. (see photos) (Darke County)
  • During April 2014, the Delaware County library featured an Extension Centennial display. Photos attached. The Master Gardneer Volunteers also helped with the display. (Delaware County)
  • Tree planting at Erie County fairgrounds during the county fair. (Erie County)
  • Centennial cake/punch celebration following the awards ceremony on the last day of county fair. (Erie County)
  • During 4-H recognition banquet (in November) will include a special Centennial cake and proclamation by the county commissioners. (Erie County)
  • Master Gardener Volunteer tree planting ceremony at the Extension office, with a Centennial commemorative marker. Several events during an open house at the county office, a field day in August, and the county fair. A complete list of the Fayette County plans is attached. A local newspaper article highlights several county Extension activities. (Fayette County)
  • Chamber of Commerce "after hours" reception. (Fayette County)
  • A celebration of the 100th anniversary in the Highland Youth Garden - June 26. See invitation. (Franklin County)
  • Proclamation for Centennial. County businesses placed announcements for month of May; sign blitz “Celebrating 100 years of OSU Extension.” Held a "100th Birthday Party" at OSU Extension and 4-H advisor recognition dinner. Created posters advertising “Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of OSU Extension.” Created a “Then and Now” Display at the fair. (Fulton County)
  • The county commissioners presented a proclamation, a Centennial booth was created, and Cloverbuds participated in activities during the county fair. See photos. (Gallia County)
  • Centennial photo booth at Greene County Fair. (Greene County)
  • In October -- "100th Birthday Party" at OSU Extension and 4-H Endowment Dinner. (Guernsey County)
  • "OSU at the Zoo" day will be celebrated on August 16 in Cincinnati. A ceremony will be held when the zoo opens, followed by a reception for legislators and invited guests. See the flier for details. (Hamilton County)
  • Photos of multiple generations of families in 4-H, including "Centennial families" in the county. (Hardin County)
  • Post videos of people telling how/why/when they were involved with 4-H, Extension (Hardin County)
  • Hard copies of a PowerPoint series depicting Henry County's "decades of Extension" are displayed in the entry hall of the county Extension office. (Henry County)
  • Lots of fun celebrating 100 years of Extension during Cloverbud Day at the Highand County Fair. Great cake and cupcakes made by a 4-Her who took cake decorating this past year. Photos can be found at!/pages/Highland-County-4-H-Ohio/158507614183904. (Highland County)
  • The Ohio Treasurer of State gave a proclamation to the county honoring the Extension Centennial during the fair. Read the article. (Highland County)
  • 100th anniversary celebration and spaghetti dinner -- featured animal clinics for youth, bike safety rodeo, square dance, auction, a visit with Pop Taylor (local ag agent from 1930-1960), and other former county Extension employees. The local TV station and newspaper featured the story, including interviews with Kathryn Whinnery, the Jefferson county and Ohio Fairs Queen 2014. (Jefferson County)
  • County educators and Extension supporters created a video that celebrates OSU Extension in Knox County. (Knox County)
  • Extension and the Master Gardeners Volunteers (MGVs) have partnered for a July 19 Centennial celebration - to be held in the MGV demonstration garden behind the county Extension office. Information booths will reflect Extension programs and the history of Extension in Licking County. Visitors can see a garden photo contest and demonstrations, in addition to food, music and kids' activities. Co-sponsored by the Frendly Bremen Bank and the Ohio 4-H Foundation. See invitation. (Licking County)
  • "Compassionate Community" event in Toledo - Centennial display. (Lucas County)
  • County fair activities and proclamation from county commissioners. See photos. (Lucas County)
  • Cloverbud birthday part for OSU Extension - complete with party balloons, gift bags and cupcakes. (Madison County)
  • Several Centennial celebrations occurred during the county fair - opening ceremony and junior fair parade, evening celebration with youth activities, and Cloverbud graduation. See photos and a Facebook post about the Centennial. (Meigs County)
  • Featured the Centennial in several Extension displays and 4-H club booth displays at county fair. (Miami County)
  • Monroe County Extension Centennial video - to be developed by a summer intern. (Monroe County)
  • Paint a trash can - 4-H clubs have been asked to paint a trash can to celebrate 100 years of Extension work in America. (Monroe County)
  • Ice cream social for friends of Extension and former Extension employees during the county fair. (Monroe County)
  • A transportable float is being designed that will be available for volunteers and community groups to enter in local parades - see photo 1, photo 2. (Monroe County)
  • "Woodsfield Bicentennial" to include a celebration of Extension's Centennial. (Monroe County)
  • Magnets and notepads with the Centennial logo will be distributed throughout the year. (Monroe County)
  • See multiple photos of the Centennial celebration during the Noble County fair. (Noble County)
  • Booth/wall featuring personal photos and stories that show the history of Extension in the county. Ask people to comment on the photos and tell their own stories. (Portage County)
  • Shelby County celebrated the Centennial with a reception during the county fair. Several photos of Extension representatives, junior fair board members and the county commissioners are attached. (Shelby County)
  • During county fair, family scavenger hunt/physical activity station around fairfounds, starting at OSUE booth. Families sign up, take self-guided tour, learn about Extension and local programs, and return to OSUE booth for a "family fun pack" reward. (Stark County)
  • Free "Family Garden Fair" in mid-July with STEM activitiy for kids, face painting, a garden photography show, 100 gardening topcs for 100 years of OSU Extension, a Strawberry Social, free Wednesday evening garden programs, etc. (Trumbull County) --- see bookmark example
  • Centennial parade float complete with a Brutus Buckeye-topped "cake." (Trumbull County) --- see photos
  • The public was invited (via radio, newspapers) to a 100-year celebration serving cake and punch. The county commissioners presented a resolution. Photos of current and past educators and employees are on the cover of the fair booklet. Fair booth will also feature the Centennial. (Williams County)
  • Permanent Extension history display at the Wood County Historical Society, featuring a timeline that traces highlights of the Wood County 4-H program from 1919-2013. The Historical Society is also supporting the Wood County 4-H Quilt Square Trial; the Centennial logo will be included on one of the panels. (Wood County)

If you would like to share stories about your local Centennial celebration plans, send the information to Cheryl Buck ( and we will post your ideas online.

100 Ways to Celebrate 100 Years of Extension in Your County

Iowa has compiled a list of 100 ways to celebrate Extension at the county level. Review this list for ideas that might be applicable in your own county.