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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Visioning OSUE 2035

Building from the research based information gained from forecasting Ohio in 2035, we asked the questions related to how Extension might best meet the challenges in the years ahead. Visioning brings our focus back to the present by asking “SO WHAT? Now that we have glimpsed into the potential alternative futures, what could or should OSU Extension do?”

From Futuring to VisioningFinal Report

OSU Extension Annual Conference Conversation
Utilizing the trend research and scenarios collected and developed during the futuring phase of the project, nearly 400 OSU Extension employees gathered at the VP Summit, held during OSU Extension’s Annual Conference Research Colloquium in December 2014, and began dreaming and talking about the future.

A summary of information received at this event can be found here.

Summary Report: Click on the report image at right to access the full conversation report.

VP Conversation Infographic page 1

VP Conversation Infographic – page 2

Vice President's Conversation
on the Future of Extension Digital Brochure

Do your part to keep the conversation going!

Discover: Read and explore the ideas generated from the VP Conversation on the Future of OSU Extension.
Dig Deeper: Consider its application for you and your community. Explore further uncharted territory by reading more about the topics that interest you, teaming up with others to conduct applied research, and/or conducting your own research.
Discuss: Talk with others who are interested in preparing for and positively impacting the future.