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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué June 10, 2015


State Budget Update – Late-Breaking News

Early reports show that the Ohio Senate has approved the state budget with the 5 percent increase (above the governor’s recommendation) that the Ohio House of Representatives had included for OSU Extension. It looks like OARDC and Sea Grant are also the same as the House versions of the budget for each year of the biennium. Conference committee work is expected next, and passage of the final budget by the legislature is not expected until late June.

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OARDC Director Steve Slack Announces Retirement

–Steven A. Slack, associate vice president for Agricultural Administration and director, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center

After more than 40 years of faculty and administrative service, the last 16 years as associate vice president for Agricultural Administration and director of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center at The Ohio State University, the time is right to move onto the next phase of my life. I will be stepping down from my current role at the end of the 2015 calendar year.

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Action Leadership Retreat – September 28-29

Participants are being recruited for a professional development opportunity in 2015 called Action Leadership Retreat. Designed for Extension educators (or others with similar responsibilities) with 18 months to three years of experience, the Action Leadership Retreat (ALR) is a professional development opportunity built around simulated on-the-job experiences. Led by a facilitator and two experienced Extension professionals who are trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication, and interpersonal skills) important for success as an Extension professional.

Space is limited to seven participants for each event. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis. For additional information and to register, visit If you have questions, contact Graham Cochran ( or Jody Termeer (, OSU Leadership Center.

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Self-Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Policy

As part of The Ohio State University’s Self-Disclosure of Criminal Convictions Policy, all current faculty, staff, graduate associates and student employees, appointees, volunteers, and staff provided by third-party vendors are required to self-disclose criminal convictions that occur within three business days of the conviction.

Reporting a conviction will not necessarily impact your employment at the university. Once a conviction is disclosed, a determination regarding suitability for continued employment will be made based on the information received and collected regarding the conviction.

Disclosure forms may be accessed here, and can be submitted to your senior human resources professional or the Office of Human Resources at For more information, contact Amy Burns at 614-292-2776 or, or the background check team at 614-292-3595 or

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What is Your Personality Color Spectrum? Workshop – June 17

The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better understand themselves and others. In our interactive workshops, participants are introduced to the different personality styles using the language of color. The research-based Spectrum Temperament Development Model is founded on the philosophy that individuals and organizations have the ability to increase and develop their potential if provided with applicable knowledge and skill. Spectrum development emphasizes the key components for achieving optimal success: an awareness, appreciation, and development of self and others.

Spectrum temperament development is used to help team members with positive conflict resolution, effective communication, and building strong teams. Objectives:

  • Participants will gain an understanding of their strengths, needs and motivators.
  • Participants will gain awareness about how they can improve their workplace by learning more about their co-workers.
  • Participants will learn to value the differences among the people around them.

Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon, Ag Admin building, room 105. Cost is $75 per participant. Register at

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Strengths-Based Management and Supervision Workshop – June 23

A manager's role may be the most complicated and most important role in any organization." –Gallup

The best supervisors and managers have a keen awareness of their strengths. These managers model behavior by partnering with someone whose strengths complements theirs in a way that together they are more productive. "The most successful knows how to best direct their dominant talents to engage the hearts, minds, and talents of their employees." –Gallup

There is no certain strength or set of strengths that create an effective manager. The best managers and supervisors figure out how to bring out the best of each employee’s strengths. This information can expand the manager's ability to build his or work team by selecting the right person for the right position, set high expectations for team achievement, engage employees so they are motivated to be successful, and finally through coaching and workshops, develop each member to be an active participant on the team.

This workshop will enable supervisors and managers to:

  • Appreciate their personal strengths in their role as a leader of a team.
  • Gain a better understanding and appreciation of the strengths of their team members.
  • Build upon the team's strengths to create a stronger team.

To participate in this workshop, you must have attended a StrengthsFinder awareness workshop. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon, Ag Admin building, room 105. Cost is $75 per participant. Register at

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Mission Possible: Positive Leadership Online Workshop – June 24

Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? Do they want to talk to you? Or do they quickly make themselves scarce? If they run when they see you, it's time for an attitude check.

Negativity in organizations is costing U.S. businesses $300 billion per year. It is imperative that leaders establish a culture of positive leadership. As a leader, others look to you to set the tone for your team or organization. Being engaged and committed to a positive culture is a priority for the leader, and also for every employee in the organization. Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, happy and satisfied customers.

Leaders have a choice about their attitude – and no matter what the situation is or who is causing the negativity in your organization or team, you have a choice to make about how you are going to react. It is vital that you create positive strategies that keep the team or organization strong.

Participants will:

  • Learn new ideas for boosting their own attitude.
  • Develop strategies for creating a positive culture at work.
  • Discuss ways to increase productivity at work.
  • Improve working relationships.

Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9 to 11am. Cost is $75 per participant. Register at

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