- OSU Extension Strategic Plan Update
- Present at the 2014 OSU Extension Annual Conference and Research Colloquium
- OSU Extension Listserv Update – Reminder
- Farm Science Review - Call for Universal Design Display Volunteers
- Ohio JCEP Special Chapter Award Submissions Requested by October 3
- OSU Extension Excellence in Community Development Annual Award – Nominations Due by November 1
- CFAES Communication Workshops Offered – October 10, October 16
- 2014 Ohio State P12 Partnership Inventory Reminder – due by September 19
- StrengthsFinder Workshop – September 17
- StrengthsFinder and Spectrum Development Workshop – September 18
- The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace Online Workshop – September 24
- Mission Possible: Positive Leadership Online Workshop – September 25
OSU Extension Strategic Plan Update
Continuing to address action items found in the2014-2019 strategic plan is a topic addressed monthly by not only Cabinet members as a team, but also through the work each of us are doing with various groups of employees.
Extension Administrative Cabinet discussed advancement and development opportunities during its July meeting with CFAES Advancement officers. To help set priorities and desired areas for philanthropic growth, prior to the meeting, Cabinet members participated in a survey to identify funding needs for each of the individual program areas related to priority programs and projects. They also explored opportunities for funding interdisciplinary programs.
Cabinet members identified topics for employee and volunteer professional development as well as perceived needs for investment into our facilities or funding to maintain and eventually replace brick-and-mortar facilities operated by OSUE. Cabinet shared the results of the survey and prioritization of items identified with the College Advancement team.
A special meeting with the OJCEP Professional Development Committee in late August included a discussion about the professional development needs identified by Cabinet. Topics they prioritized will be added to the list shared with Chris Delisio, CFAES chief advancement officer.
Present at the 2014 OSU Extension Annual Conference and Research Colloquium
You are invited to actively engage in the OSU Extension Annual Conference and Research Colloquium on December 9-11 at the Ohio Union. As our organization looks to “The Next 100 Years,” all colleagues are encouraged to consider the research, skill sets, methods, trends, etc. that will drive our organization forward in service to all Ohioans. As the initial RFP announcement on August 26 said, “Dean McPheron wants Extension to take the gloves off and tackle the emerging Ohio trends of the next 20 years and what that means for Extension work.”
Anyone in OSU Extension is invited to contribute presentations and posters that will move us toward a stronger future. Proposals are due by 5 pm on September 26. Proposals may be submitted to present in one of the following formats: 45-minute presentation or poster. New this year: a special poster opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students. Visit to view the request for proposal outline and directions.
OSU Extension Listserv Update – Reminder
Effective August 15, there are two listserv addresses that allow one-way distribution of information to all who have an Extension appointment.
All employees with an Extension appointment are automatically subscribed to the all-Extension listserv. You may NOT unsubscribe from the all-Extension listserv, which is the official communication tool for the organization.
A new Extension-misc. listserv offers employees a place to post information of a more local office or personal nature. The new Extension-misc. listserv has been populated with all Extension employees in the HR database as of August 11. You may unsubscribe from the new Extension-misc listserv at any time. New Extension employees will be given the information about both listservs during orientation, and they will be able to subscribe to the Extension-misc. listserv at any time.
- all-Extension ( – Notices related to the work of Extension, the college and university; updates on policies, procedures and deadlines; communications from the director of Extension. Members of Extension Administrative Cabinet, their designated staff, and other key personnel can post to this list.
- Extension-misc. ( – Posting of retirement, death and birth announcements, welcome receptions, professional organization announcements, local office information related to closures, requests for assistance. Any member of the listserv can post a notice to the Extension-misc. list. You can add or remove yourself from the Extension-Misc listserv via
If you have any questions about either listserv, contact Cheryl Buck at
Farm Science Review – Request for Universal Design Display Volunteers
Please consider volunteering to help tour visitors through the Universal Design exhibit on September 16-18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. during Farm Science Review. The exhibit is located at the McCormick Building on Friday Avenue. Choose the day and hours that work best for you. You can work two hours, four hours, or all day. To volunteer, contact Pat Holmes, FCS educator, Montgomery County at or 937-224-9654 ext. 102. If you would like to tour the exhibit in advance or bring a group from your county, contact Pat to make arrangements for date/time/group size.
If you are not available to help during Farm Science Review, please consider one of these ways to help:
- Help with final preparations of the exhibit on either Friday, September 12 or Monday, September 15 from 10 am to 2 pm.
- Suggest volunteers from your county who might be interested in helping guide visitors through the exhibit during FSR. (They can usually be provided with a free pass in the gate.)
On-site training will be provided for all volunteers who may not have worked with Universal Design at all or not very much. Check out the video at More information about FSR, including directions, is posted online at An OSU ID gets you into FSR. If you are not available to help, please share this information with others in your office or volunteers who might be interested.
Universal Design is a philosophy based on the idea that products and environments can be attractively designed to meet the needs of all ages and abilities. Use of Universal Design principles uses exterior and interior features to maximize safety and independence for everyone.
The Universal Design housing display is an ongoing collaborative project involving the following partners: Ohio State University Extension; The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology; The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences; Dave Fox Home Remodeling; Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse. The exhibit features kitchen, bath, laundry/mud room, AgrAbility garage, gardening tools/raised flowerbed, and an educational space with emphasis on ease-of-use for all ages and abilities. Additional lighting was added in 2013.
Changes in 2014 include some remodeling and re-painting. Two porch lights will be installed at the exhibit entrance thanks to donations from Lowe’s and Dave Fox Remodeling. The State Fire Marshal will also set up an exhibit next to our Universal Design exhibit. To celebrate Extension’s Centennial, we plan to feature “kitchens of the past” thanks to Carol Miller sharing her collection of kitchen photos.
Ohio JCEP Special Chapter Award Submissions Requested by October 3
It is time to nominate your peers and community partners for the Ohio Joint Council of Extension special chapter awards. With the formation of our JCEP organization, we worked to streamline the award nominations for ESP and some of the former state organization awards under the JCEP special chapter awards, so take time to look at the website and list of former recipients; then nominate yourself or your colleagues for one of these prestigious awards.
Nominees are eligible to receive an award in any one category only once. Award nominations require a 60-word or less abstract about the nominee. Chapter winners will be asked to complete a regional/national award application in January.
Categories for nominations and the description or criteria for the award can be found on the JCEP site at This link also includes a complete list of previous recipients.
- National DSA Ruby Award – must be an OJCEP member
- Administrative Leadership Award – must have 10 or more years of service
- Diversity Multicultural Recognition (individual) – must be an OJCEP member
- Diversity/Multicultural Recognition (team) –At least 50% of team members must be current OJCEP members
- International Service Recognition – must be an OJCEP member
- Visionary Leadership Recognition – must be an OJCEP member
- Continued Excellence Recognition – must be an OJCEP member. Eligible for nomination five years after receiving chapter DSA; minimum of 20 years in Extension.
- Meritorious Support Staff Service Recognition for support staff who have demonstrated excellence in supporting Extension programs.
- Retiree Service Recognition given to a current OJCEP/ESP member who is an OSU Extension retiree.
- Friend of Extension – three awards will be selected per year, with one of those being selected to move on to the ESP national nomination for Ohio. Recipients can be nominated from categories to include elected officials, Extension volunteer/lay leaders, professional or business leaders, businesses or organizations.
- Statewide Service Awards – You will also be receiving a ballot in the next few weeks to select members in five categories/program area for achievement awards which include: 4-H, ANR, CD, FCS, and state level.
- Early-Career Award – less than 10 years
- Mid-Career Award – 10-20 years of service
- Distinguished Service Award – more than 20 years of service. Each 20 employees in the category allows for one winner to be selected.
Program area winners will submit a 120-word bio to the Special Chapter Subcommittee for competing for the state-level winner. Previous category winners (not selected as the state winner) will be included in the pool of candidates for consideration as Ohio’s state-level winner in these categories and may be asked to submit an application as Ohio’s national ESP applicant.
Nominations are due to Bev Kelbaugh ( by October 3; fax to 740-732-5992.
OSU Extension Excellence in Community Development Annual Award – Nominations Due by November 1
It is time to submit nominations for the OSU Extension Excellence in Community Development Award. This $1,000 cash award recognizes a CD Extension professional for significant programmatic strengths, major contributions and innovative approaches achieved over the course of their Extension career.
Submission deadline for nominations is November 1. Last year’s winner was David Civittolo. The award will be presented at this year’s OSU Extension Annual Conference and Research Colloquium. The application packet, which includes complete information regarding the call for nominations and the nomination form, can be found here. Please direct any questions to Greg Davis (
CFAES Communication Workshops Offered – October 10, October 16
As one college in one university, CFAES embraces the university brand. The CFAES brand guidelines serve as an addendum to the university’s guidelines ( If you have any questions, contact Suzanne Steel ( or Kim Brown ( Also, the college brand team meets every Wednesday morning to discuss branding questions. Visit the college brand guideline site at for more information.
To help with a variety of communication topics, College Communications is offering a full-day workshop. Choose from one of two locations: Wooster on October 10 or Columbus on October 16; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on both days.
- Learn how to apply the new brand using templates through hands-on training.
- Learn how to manage difficult questions and conversations in our crisis communications training.
- Learn how to make videos with your smart phones and tablets.
The $30 registration fee includes refreshments, lunch and all materials. Registration deadline is October 6 and is limited to the first 30 registrants. Partial day registration is not available. Visit the following links to register:
- October 10 –
- October 16 –
2014 Ohio State P12 Partnership Inventory Reminder – due by September 19
-on behalf of Kate Harkin, director, P12 Initiative
For OSUE educators, program coordinators and program assistants:
Happy fall! There's always a sense of excitement at the beginning of the autumn semester, and with the new academic year upon us, I hope you are filled with a renewed enthusiasm to enhance our students’ experiences and expand our community connections.
In that spirit, I am asking your participation in the university-wide 2014 Ohio State P12 Partnership Inventory survey. The survey, designed by the P12 Initiative, will assist the college in reporting our activities with Ohio schools and organizations that serve school-age children and their families. It will also help the university articulate its diverse number of school partnerships where faculty, staff and students are doing their good work.
I am asking all faculty and staff who manage P12 activities and programs to participate and complete the 15-minute survey by September 19. The survey results will be available as a college-wide report in spring 2015. This process is not only an opportunity for us to articulate and spotlight our own programs, but for our institution to gain a holistic picture of the impressive contributions that Ohio State brings to the P12 community. Survey link –
StrengthsFinder Workshop – September 17
"You get what you focus on." –Vannoy & Ross
As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her or his own unique set of talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on utilizing what you do best for your organization.
Participants in this workshop will take the Clifton StrengthsFinder inventory to learn their five strongest talents. By focusing on your strengths, you increase your effectiveness as a leader.
What is the Clifton StrengthsFinder inventory?
"Marcus Buckingham, coauthor of the national bestseller First, Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program to help readers identify their talents, build them into strengths, and enjoy consistent, near-perfect performance. At the heart of the book is the Internet-based StrengthsFinder® Profile, the product of a 25-year, multimillion-dollar effort to identify the most prevalent human strengths. The program introduces 34 dominant "themes" with thousands of possible combinations, and reveals how they can best be translated into personal and career success." For more information, visit
- Gain a better understanding of yourself
- Identify your top five strengths
Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon. Cost is $75 per participant. To register, go to If you have any questions, contact Jody Termeer (; 614-292-3114).
StrengthsFinder and Spectrum Development Workshop – September 18
As a leader, it is important to know your strengths and what you do well. We spend a lot of time taking different leadership and personality assessments which allow us to learn more about ourselves. However, very little time is spent combining the different assessments so leaders can leverage their strengths to make the best impact they can as a leader.
This workshop will focus on how participants can use their top five strengths from the Strengths Finder assessment and their color spectrum from Spectrum Temperament Development together. You must have participated in a previous Spectrum Temperament Development workshop and also a Strengths Finder workshop to register for this program.
Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon. As a certified Spectrum Temperament Development and Strengths Finder facilitator, Beth has worked with many organizations and individuals over the past 13 years. Please contact Beth Flynn ( if you have questions, or need to find out when the separate workshops are offered. Cost is $75 per participant. To register, go to
The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace Online Workshop – September 24
Who are these new employees in your workplace? How do you relate to or manage this latest generation to enter the workforce? These younger employees are technologically wired, highly educated and eager to make a difference in their workplace. This highly interactive workshop is filled with information that you can apply immediately in your organization.
Millennials were born between 1980 and 2000, and this generation is almost as large as the Baby Boomer generation. An achievement-oriented group, these new employees are technically connected 24/7 and use social networking to connect with their peers. This high-achieving generation wants to immediately make an impact in their career, and they are anxious to take on leadership roles.
- Learn about the culture and events that have shaped the millennial generation.
- Determine ways to improve communication and building relationships with this generation.
- Generate ideas about how to manage and coach this generation of employees.
Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9-11am. Cost is $75 per participant. To register, go to
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership Online Workshop – September 25
Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? Do they want to talk to you? Or do they quickly make themselves scarce? If they run when they see you, it's time for an attitude check.
Negativity in organizations is costing U.S. businesses $300 billion per year. It is imperative that leaders establish a culture of positive leadership. As a leader, others look to you to set the tone for your team/organization. Being engaged and committed to a positive culture is a priority for the leader, and also every employee in the organization.
Organizations that have a positive culture are more productive, have happier employees and most importantly, happy and satisfied customers.
Each leader has a choice about his or her attitude – and no matter what the situation, you have a choice to make about how you are going to react. No matter what the current situation is, or who is causing the negativity in your organization/team, it is vital that you create positive strategies that keep the team/organization strong.
Participants will:
- Learn new ideas for boosting their own attitude;
- Develop strategies for creating a positive culture at work;
- Discuss ways to increase productivity at work; and
- Brainstorm new ideas to improve working relationships.
Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9-11am. Cost is $75 per participant. To register, go to