- 2014 Agricultural Act and its Importance for SNAP-Ed in Ohio
- 21st Century Energy Challenges: Power of Extension – May 7
- Ohio Cooperative Extension Centennial Update
- OSU Extension Strategic Plan Update
- OSUE Annual Conference ‒ The Next 100 Years ‒ Save the Date! December 9, 10 and 11
- Campus Campaign Ends Today
- Building Capacity for Outreach and Engagement Scholarship ‒ May 22
- 2015 Tri-State Diversity Conference RFPs due June 27
- Strengths-Based Communication Workshop ‒ June 11
- Bike Sharing on Main Campus
2014 Agricultural Act and its Importance for SNAP-Ed in Ohio
-Pat Bebo, leader, Community Nutrition Program
On February 7, the long awaited Farm Bill or the Agricultural Act of 2014 was signed into law. Many of us in Extension breathed a sigh of relief upon its passage, as it ended a long, drawn-out process that occurred more than a year past the deadline. Several Extension programs will benefit from this legislation, not only in the program areas, but in research areas as well. The legislation offers the opportunity for Extension program areas to expand their reach by combining efforts to reach more Ohioans, and educate our neighbors in multiple ways to improve self-sufficiency through economic stability, impact on the environment, and improved health and wellness outcomes.
One program that already benefits many people in the state is SNAP-Ed or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education. SNAP-Ed has been active in Ohio since 1992, and last year we reached more than 60,000 Ohioans with nutrition education classes that taught the benefits of eating locally-grown, in-season fruits and vegetables, how to make healthier choices when shopping and eating out, how to prepare healthy foods at home, and stretching food dollars to make it through the month. SNAP-Ed teaches these skills to Ohioans young and old in 64 counties throughout the state. The goal is to create long-lasting behavior changes for Ohioans who might otherwise not have access to the support and education about food that SNAP-Ed provides.
SNAP-Ed is also known as the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Grant. It is legislated through the Farm Bill and administered federally through the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), and the state administration is handled through the SNAP agency in each state. In our state, we are a subgrantee of the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. There are strict grant criteria that guide the programming in the state such as reaching our target populations of SNAP recipients, focusing on behavior changes through a series of classes, seeking to work in collaborative efforts to bring about environment and policy change. With our sister program, EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program), we work together to meet the nutrition education needs of low-income Ohioans as well as leveraging other Extension programs such as agriculture in the development of community and school gardens, 4-H in support of clubs and working together with schools to provide in-school and out-of-school programming. Our future is bright, because the funds allocated to Ohio will increase by 150 percent over the next five years. This is based on a formula implemented in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Ohio SNAP-Ed seeks to create a synergy with all Extension programs to increase our reach to make sure that Ohioans at greatest risk for food insecurity will enjoy stability and healthier lifestyles throughout their lifetimes.
21st Century Energy Challenges: Power of Extension – May 7
During the 100th anniversary of Cooperative Extension, land-grant universities will be gathering to showcase the power of our organizations to address 21st century energy issues. Whether through engaging a divided public or promoting informed decision-making, Extension’s energy efforts are a difference maker for our nation’s communities.
The 21st Century Energy Challenges: Power of Extension conference will be held on May 7, at the Washington (DC) Marriot Wardman Park. Federal energy and agricultural professionals, congressional staff, Extension agents and directors, and others are invited to register for this free event sponsored by The Ohio State University and Colorado State University, highlighting Extension’s energy efforts across the country. To register:
Ohio Cooperative Extension Centennial Update
-Cheryl Buck, executive assistant to the director, OSU Extension
National Convocation – May 7-8, Washington DC
Ohio State University Extension is a silver sponsor of the national convocation events. We have a half-page ad in the commemorative booklet, and Ohio information will be shared with all attendees. Several administrative Cabinet members are attending, as well as Hannah Epley, 4-H educator in Fairfield County, and two members of the state 4-H Teen Advisory Council (Emma Newell, Fairfield County, and Britta Fenstermaker, Hancock County).
Ohio Centennial Press Release
An Ohio-based press release template about the Extension Centennial is attached. This release is intentionally very general, so it can be personalized by each county. If you have questions about the template or would like me to review your county’s release before local publication, contact me at
OSUE Display Banner
The new county banners were delivered to county directors during the Spring CED/Unit Leader In-service on April 16.
Items in Progress
Two new projects will be available soon.
- A branded PowerPoint that highlights the accomplishments of Extension in a historical timeline that can be used for both statewide and county-based audiences.
- A tabletop display that has some parts static and other sections intended to be populated with county-level information and images.
OSU Extension Strategic Plan Update
-Bev Kelbaugh, South Central regional director, and Kirk Bloir, program director, OSU Extension
Initiative 1 states that OSU Extension will proactively address relevant local, regional and statewide educational and research needs. One of the primary ways we do this is by seeking advice and guidance from volunteers who serve on our advisory committees. The first three strategies/tactics for Initiative 1 speak to this important reality.
First – Gwen Wolford, Shannon Thomas, and their team of students work diligently with Keith, Extension administration, and CFAES leadership to ensure the State Extension Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets regularly and has all four Extension program areas represented. The SEAC members not only provide input into organizational priorities and direction, they are also a strong voice for OSU Extension. Two SEAC members were part of our Ohio delegation to this year’s PILD (Public Issues Leadership Development) conference in Washington DC.
Second – County Extension advisory committees (CEAC) are also essential for our success, helping ensure local programming and services are relevant and addressing the highest priority needs. Like the SEAC, local CEACs should have volunteers who represent all four program areas – 4-H youth development, community development, family and consumer sciences, and agriculture and natural resources – and reflect the diversity of county demographics.
Third – The strategic plan states that counties will have program-area specific advisory committees for each funded program area.
To provide support for county-based Extension professionals to create and work effectively with CEACs, Extension Advisory Committee (EAC) guidelines were updated and shared at the Spring CED/Unit Leader In-service on April 16. The EAC guidelines are posted in the Administrative and Program Resources Section of the Extension Policies and Procedures Handbook. This ‘go link’ will take you directly to the guidelines posted online:
Advisory committees provide input into program priorities and direction, and they are a strong voice for OSU Extension with current and potential funding partners, program collaborators, and community members. Take some time to check out the revised and updated guidelines.
One of the measures of success for Initiative 1 is that 100 percent of counties will have CEACs with all four program areas represented and reflect the diversity of county demographics by 2015. What steps are you taking to make sure we achieve that goal in your county?
If you have any questions or suggestions about the OSU Extension strategic plan, contact Bev Kelbaugh (; 740-584-2516) or Kirk Bloir (; 614-247-2592).
OSUE Annual Conference ‒ The Next 100 Years ‒ Save the Date! December 9, 10 and 11
This three-day conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to:
- Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research.
- Build relationships between Extension professionals and university colleagues to foster expanded applied research opportunities.
- Foster dialogue and innovative thinking among OSU Extension and academic unit-based colleagues.
This year’s conference will feature:
- Nationally known keynote speakers
- Interactive sessions on the future
- Concurrent sessions featuring best practices and Extension scholarship
- Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and cutting‒edge research
- Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and community partners
- Celebration of the 100-year history of OSU Extension
The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus campus.
Campus Campaign Ends Today
-Ken Martin, chair and associate director, programs, OSU Extension
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Campus Campaign – 244 of 672 Extension professionals have given so far this year. According to the latest update, 36 percent of our faculty and staff have given to the campaign. In fact, 61 percent of Extension faculty have made a contribution.
The college goal is 40 percent so if 25 or more of you give, Extension as a whole will meet the college goal. Gifts of even a couple dollars are meaningful (and help us meet our college goal of 40 percent Extension participation). Please contribute by 5 pm today (April 30) to help us achieve our goal.
If you would like to give, you can easily contribute via payroll deduction or credit card by following this link: (or complete and return the Campus Campaign pledge card that was distributed several weeks ago). Three of the targeted campaign funds are identified below. You can search for additional funds at the Campus Campaign website. Other options include giving to a fund in your program area. If you are in a county office, you can give to individual funds set up in each county. These funds can be found by searching the database at the previous link.
Thank you for your consideration of the following funds, or any other fund you wish to support!
- Agricultural Engineering Support Fund: Fund #303027
- OSU-Administration Discretionary Account (100th Anniversary Extension Fund): Fund #305237
- Operation Military Kids 4-H Fund: Fund #311984
Building Capacity for Outreach and Engagement Scholarship ‒ May 22
You are invited to a series of professional development workshops designed to build capacity for creating and strengthening university-community partnerships and promoting engagement scholarship through teaching, research and service. The workshop will be held on May 22 (9am to 4pm) in the MLK Auditorium, Hale Hall, 154 W. 12th Avenue.
The three sessions offered are:
- Engagement Scholarship 101: Building Engagement into Your Scholarship (9 - 11am)
- The Culture of Engagement at The Ohio State University (11:30am - 1:30pm)
- Building Bridges Between Our Silos: How Boundary Spanning and Boundary Spanners Can Build Strong Relationships (2 - 4pm)
The workshop facilitators are Katherine Loving, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Susan Harden, assistant professor of education, University of North Carolina – Charlotte.
Participants may register for one, two or all three sessions at For more detailed information, go to
Contact Mark McCann in the Office of Outreach and Engagement at ( There is no fee for attendees. Each session is limited to 50 participants.
2015 Tri-State Diversity Conference RFPs due June 27
The goal of this conference is to network and link resources to help integrate diversity into programs, policies and practices for creating community well-being. The conference will be held at the Marriott, Cincinnati airport on February 19-20, 2015. More information here.
Strengths-Based Communication Workshp ‒ June 11
Utilizing StrengthsFinder™ in teams gives everyone a language to describe work styles. Employees achieve work goals when using their strengths. Your strengths determine how you communicate with others. In addition, adjusting how you communicate with a co-worker based on their strengths will increase the effectiveness of communication at work.
Sometimes we misunderstand what someone is saying based on their strength. Using positive intent allows us to realize that each of us use the lens of our strengths when we communicate. Knowing and understanding our personal strengths and the strengths of our teammates helps us choose words so they hear and understand what we are saying based on their strengths.
Participants in this workshop will:
- Gain a better understanding of how they communicate using their strengths.
- Learn more about how to communicate with others who do not have the same strengths.
- Help build a greater sense of team by communicating to others using our personal strengths.
*To participate in this workshop, you must have attended a StrengthsFinder™ awareness workshop.
Beth Flynn will facilitate this workshop from 9am to noon on June 11. The fee is $60 per participant. Register at
Bike Sharing on Main Campus
OSU is considering the possibility of adding bike sharing on campus. There is a survey about bike sharing which should take about five minutes to complete. Your responses will be used to understand transportation preferences. To take the survey, visit