CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué April 2, 2014


Campus Campaign

Thank you, to all who chose to give through the OSU Campus Campaign. The initial numbers are in, and participation rates are off to a great start. There is still time to contribute – find your reason to give by visiting the Campus Campaign website.

  • At 27 percent participation, CFAES has matched or exceeded several previous years and is within striking distance of the goal. We still have work to do relative to other colleges.
  • OSUE is leading the way with 29 percent participation.
  • The percentage of new donors is led by A/P at 69 percent.
  • Faculty have responded at a 39 percent.
  • A number of units are commended for exceeding 50 percent participation.
Total donors as of this week 442
New donors this week 13
Percentage of donors this week who are first time 2.9%
Total new donors 29
Percentage of 2014 donors who are first time 6.6%
Total possible donors 2014 1,661
Total donors to reach 2014 goal 664
Total donors above 2013 517
Additional donors above 2013 147
To date additional donors needed for 2014 goal 222


New donor distribution (n) 2 10 15 2
New donor distribution (%) 6.9 34.5 51.7 6.9
  A/P Civil Service Faculty  
New donor distribution (n) 20 6 3  

New donor distribution (%)

69.0 20.7 10.3  

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Director’s Internal Advisory Committee

-Keith Smith, associate vice president, Agricultural Administration and director, OSU Extension

The Director’s Internal Advisory Committee met March 28; a number of topics were discussed. The group was updated on the National Extension Directors meeting, coupled with the national eXtension meeting in Sacramento, California. A number of our people attended, including Jamie Seger who is on the Director's Internal Advisory Committee.

The group discussed the federal level budget which has been restored to the 2012 levels. The passage of the Farm Bill includes a new 1890 for Ohio – Central State University. Bruce McPheron, others and I will meet with Central State University on April 17 to discuss collaboration. The group discussed the possibility of working with Central State and the positive outcomes expected from the infusion of more federal and state dollars for Ohio to do Extension work.

The group was updated on the Southwest regional director search and current county appropriations, with 85 of 88 counties reporting and an overall increase in county funding.

We also shared things occurring throughout the county and state which ranged from programs such as: farm renewable energy development program (includes community development and ANR educators), a proposal entitled Maximizing the Gains of all the new energy development for America’s rural communities that has been funded, wind energy, Business Retention and Expansion projects, Leadership Academy, support staff professional day, food safety, Discovery Theme initiatives, grazing workshops, fuel, oil and gas pipeline discussions, hay day, Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference, Managing your Money initiative, Horse Bowl Team, co-parenting workshops for divorcing parents, ed tech workshops, video creation workshop, STEM Pathways, iPad technology at 4-H camp, beef schools, pesticide certification, Manure Science Review, Hunger Dialogue, Football Hall of Fame Initiative, local food coalitions, Urban Metro Advisory Team, and a SNAP-Ed update.

Thanks to all of the committee members for great conversation. The Cooperative Extension Centennial was also discussed with emphasis on all of the upcoming events and encouragement to participate.

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Ohio Cooperative Extension Centennial Updates

-Cheryl Buck, executive assistant to the director, OSU Extension

Ohio Centennial Media Kit
All county directors were sent an electronic copy of the Centennial media kit on March 24. It includes several documents that can be shared with local reporters, clientele and other stakeholders. Please share the information within your office, and let me know if you have any suggestions of other items that could be included in the kit. We can add materials at any time.

No national press release is available, but the Why Cooperative Extension? summary is a good reference for everyone. The first article in a six-part series in the Journal of Extension is also available -- It provides a commentary on Cooperative Extension’s history.

OSUE Display Banner
The new county banners are in production, and they will be available for pick-up at the CED in-service on April 16. An example of the banner is attached.

Items in Progress
I’m working on two new projects, for which the JCEP marketing committee members will provide input and feedback. We plan to complete these projects by May 1.

  1. Develop a branded PowerPoint that highlights the accomplishments of Extension in a historical timeline that can be used for both statewide and county-based audiences. 
  2. Develop a tabletop display that has some parts static and other sections intended to be populated with county-level information and images.  The plan is to purchase 10 of the tabletop displays that would allow for two in each region. 

Stay Informed
The information on is updated regularly, especially the county celebration information. Please send a short description of your county plans – finalized or tentative ideas – to me ( to post any time.

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OSUE Administrative Cabinet Recognition

Administrative Cabinet is pleased to recognize a few individuals for their particularly outstanding work on some key projects recently. We will publish the recipients’ names quarterly in the Communiqué. Cabinet acknowledged the following individuals during the first quarter of 2014:

  • January – David Crawford, Extension educator, 4-H/CED • for continually thinking outside the box and his holistic approach to Extension
  • February – Pat Bebo, leader, Community Nutrition Program • for her work with SNAP-Ed related to the Farm Bill and budget uncertainties
  • March – Vicki Schwartz, associate state leader, 4-H youth development • for her work with the Ohio 4-H Conference and overall work with volunteers, etc.

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PeopleSoft Upgrade - Important Information

The Ohio State University is upgrading its Human Resource software from the current PeopleSoft version to PeopleSoft version 9.2. 

Department/Unit Heads/HRPs
Please read the information below from CFAES Human Resources. These dates are not negotiable. The work must be done by the date listed.

  • All PETS (personell expense transfers) must be submitted and approved through an HRA Change Funding Source by no later than May 2. With the impending HR reimplementation, all payroll must be current prior to that implementation. The new HR version 9.2 will not allow adjustments for pay periods prior to June 1.

PI on a Current Project
Please read the information below from OSP. These OSP dates are not negotiable. The work must be done by the date listed.

VERY IMPORTANT—With the impending HR reimplementation, all payroll must be current prior to that implementation. Any PETs that may need to come to OSP need to be in-hand at OSP by 5/1/14. The below link provides more info. Please work with (1) OSUE payroll and Jackie LaMuth (2) OARDC – Bob Oyer for faculty or (3) your department HRP/fiscal to be sure all of your project appointments and expenditures are up to date. The new HR version 9.2 will not allow adjustments for pay periods prior to June 1.

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Action Leadership Retreat – November 4-5

Participants are currently being recruited for a professional development opportunity in 2014 called Action Leadership Retreat. Designed for Extension educators (or others with similar responsibilities) with 18 months to three years experience, the Action Leadership Retreat is a professional development opportunity built around simulated on-the-job experiences. Led by a facilitator and two experienced Extension professionals who are trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication, and interpersonal skills) important for success as an Extension professional.

This year, we will offer Action Leadership Retreat on November 4 and 5. Space is limited to seven participants for each date. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis.

For additional information and to register, click here. For questions or additional information, contact Kayla Oberstadt (, graduate research associate or Graham Cochran (, Extension Human Resources.

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Changes to OPERS Health Care Announced

If you are planning to retire in the next four years and are part of the OPERS system, you will want to review some information we recently received via the OPERS winter newsletter:

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NSPIRE Race to Heal 5K Run/Walk – April 12

-Bernadette Melnyk, associate vice president for Health Promotion, university chief wellness officer and dean, College of Nursing

Join our students and me for the 2014 NSPIRE (Nursing Students Promoting Initiatives to Reinforce Equality). The Race to Heal is a 5K walk/run scheduled for April 12 at 7:30 p.m. sponsored by The Ohio State College of Nursing student group. Registrants are encouraged to bring children in strollers or wagons and pets for a glow-in-the-dark themed night race. The race benefits the OSU Total Health and Wellness Clinic at OSU Hospital East where family nurse practitioners (FNPs), psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, social workers, and mental health counselors are all included in the interdisciplinary care of under-served populations in Columbus. Register here: Our Facebook Page: Total Health and Wellness Clinic:

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The Mid-Western Educational Research Association RFP Announced

The Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) RFP submission site is now open. MWERA has accepted Extension research related to education over the years: needs assessment, program planning, program delivery, outcome assessment, evaluation, adult education, community education, etc.

The conference will be held in Evanston, Illinois from November 12 to 15. The call for proposals and more information are available at the MWERA website (

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The Full Monty: Advanced Strengths Development – April 10

The full monty is a British slang phrase of uncertain origin. It is generally used to mean "everything which is necessary, appropriate, or possible; 'the works.’ – Wikipedia

Leading with your strengths will help your team and organization grow. – Gallup Strengths Center

Gaining a deeper understanding of your strengths and how to utilize them at work increases your chances of success. Each person has a unique combination of strengths. These strengths are utilized in helping one perform at your best, overcome obstacles and capitalize on the strengths of your teammates.

In this advanced strengths workshop, participants will have the opportunity to discover their complete strengths profile. Awareness workshops provide you with your top five strengths/themes, and in this workshop you will receive your complete profile of your 34 strengths.

*To participate in this workshop, you must have attended a StrengthsFinder™ awareness workshop. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop on April 10 from 9:15 a.m. to noon in room 105, Agricultural Administration building. The registration fee is $125 per participant. Register at

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Increasing Sales Using Strengths – April 15

Those who follow the part of themselves that is great will become great.” – Meng Tzu

Do you consider yourself to be a “natural born” salesperson? Research shows that when you build on your strengths, you get the best sales response. Capitalizing on what you do well (your strengths) drives sales performance. Developing your strengths takes time, talent, skills and knowledge.

A successful salesperson has the ability to build relationships with prospects. By building complementary partnerships with others on your sales team, you can be stronger by combining your strengths together. Using the strengths you have can launch you into successful sales opportunities.

Participants can expect to gain knowledge about:

  • Overcoming the reluctance to calling prospects
  • Utilizing your strengths to improve sales performance
  • Steps for building relationships
  • Increasing your chances for success using your strengths

To participate in this workshop, you must have attended a StrengthsFinder™ awareness workshop. Beth Flynn is facilitating the workshop on April 15 from 9:15 a.m. to noon in room 105, Agricultural Administration building. The fee is $60 per participant. Register at

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