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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué October 9, 2013


Positive Thinking Quotes to Get You Thinking

-Keith Smith, associate vice president, agricultural administration and director, OSU Extension

As I continue our series on positive thinking, I would like to share with you some thoughts from the book Attitude is Everything - 10 Rules for Staying Positive by Vicki Hitzges (2010), published by Simple Truths.

Understand the Power of Discipline
Talent without discipline won’t take a person far. Talent with discipline races like a thoroughbred. Novelist Stephen King once said, “Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”

People who won’t work hard, who don’t practice self-discipline, head into a downhill spiral. They neglect to do what they could and should. Not doing what’s necessary causes them to feel guilty. Guilt erodes self-confidence. As we lose confidence, we don’t work as much. When we work less, we get fewer results. As our results diminish, we grow negative. As our attitude sours, our self-confidence shrivels even more. And the cycle goes on and on. The good news is that the negative cycle can be broken!

If you practice self-discipline, you’ll learn an important lesson: If you discipline yourself today, you’ll enjoy your life more tomorrow. Former Dallas Cowboy coach Tom Landry taught his players discipline. He described the job as their leader as “getting someone to do what they don’t want to do in order to achieve what they want to achieve.” That’s the definition of self-discipline!

Doing what you don’t want to do (saying “no” to dessert, getting up early to exercise or read, volunteering for extra projects at work or practicing a talent until it becomes a skill) will help you achieve what you want to achieve.

Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker once explained self-discipline as he wrote, “Many people want to be free to do as they please, but consider this: If you take the train off the tracks, it’s free – but it can’t go anywhere. Take a steering wheel out of the automobile and it’s under control of no one, but it is useless. The reality is that until the sailor disciplines himself to be obedient to the compass, he will have to stay within sight of shore. However, once he is obedient to that compass, he can go anywhere in the world the sailboat will take him. Discipline is the missing ingredient that will make the difference in your life.”

Take control of your life! I encourage you to discipline yourself today to enjoy life more tomorrow.

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Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World – Book Review

-Bev Kelbaugh, South Central regional director

In the book Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World by Bob Johansen, the author indicates that everyone has some “Maker Instinct.” He indicates that all leaders need to recognize it, value it and nurture it, in order to develop it to a level where it can serve as a leadership skill. Maker instinct is the “ability to exploit your inner drive to build and grow things, as well as connect with others in the making.” According to Johansen, maker instinct is basic and precedes all other skills that will be needed for future leadership. Maker instinct is found in both males and females and across cultures as well. Johansen states that “it is a kind of DNA imprint that we all carry in our own ways,” and he believes leaders of the future need to kindle this maker energy in themselves and others. Leaders will make the future and connect with others in the making.

Johansen believes leaders need to get personally involved in how things work and how they could be improved. It is interesting that he states that makers don’t always know the answer, but that they are working on it.

Leaders with maker instinct are better able to figure out how things work and what needs changed because they have an urge to make things work better. To accomplish this, they explore, listen and observe others to see how ideas develop and unfold. These leaders want to influence how ideas are developed; and to better do this, they strive to understand how a group processes and understands its context for decision making.

Johansen talks extensively about how maker communities and diasporas of makers will grow and how the communities of makers will be important to future discovery and innovation.   

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Annual Conference – Marshall Stewart is Keynote Speaker

Don’t miss this year’s event - Marshall Stewart of North Carolina State University will address our theme “Moving Forward, Looking Back: A celebration of history and possibility.” He serves as special assistant to the dean in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and associate director for the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service at North Carolina State University. In these roles, Marshall focuses on leadership and strategic initiatives for the college as a part of the dean’s leadership team and is charged with providing leadership and oversight for Cooperative Extension initiatives that address the challenges facing youth and families of the state as related to economic opportunity, educational excellence and health/well-being. As a part of his responsibilities in the college, Marshall serves as director of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities' Food Systems Leadership Institute (FSLI). FSLI provides executive leadership education for food systems leaders in higher education and industry.

The OSU Extension annual conference is December 4 at the Ohio Union on main campus. Registration for the event will begin on October 21.

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OSUE Regional Director Search Update

The regional director search committee has chosen seven finalists for the on campus interviews. Faculty and staff are invited to participate in the seminars as well as faculty and staff meetings to be held in the Agricultural Administration auditorium on October 21 and October 24. The seminars will be held in the mornings, and the informal meetings will be held in the afternoons. More information about the candidates will be available next week.

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93% PHA Completion Rate in Extension

Your cooperation is much appreciated, and thanks to the OSUE professionals who participated in taking the Personal Health and Well-Being Assessment (PHA) before the deadline. Doing so helped those employees qualify for the most cost-effective health plans in 2014. Of the 544 benefits-enrolled employees in Extension, 508 completed their PHA.

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Open Doors Training Offered Four Times at Three Locations

Open Doors is a four-hour training session which consists of three modules that focus on recognizing, identifying, and addressing bias.

  • Module 1: What is bias and how do I interrupt it?
  • Module 2: Sharing identities and empathetic listening
  • Module 3: Working with persons in distress

Open Doors training is brought to you by the OSU Multicultural Center Office of Student Life. There is no cost for Open Doors. For more information on Open Doors, visit

  • October 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Offered in Belle Valley with lunch provided. To register for the Belle Valley Open Doors session: .
  • October 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Offered for the West Region at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Multi-Media Room. All are welcome, but preference will be given to those in the West Region. Lunch is provided. To register for the West Region Open Doors session: .
  • November 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., held in room 160 at the OSU South Centers Endeavor Center in Piketon with lunch provided. To register: .
  • November 8 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The campus-based Open Doors training will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, International Room with lunch provided. To register:

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Excellence in 4-H Award Nominations - Due October 18

It is time to submit nominations for the Excellence in 4-H Award. This award honors superior accomplishments by an Extension educator in developing dynamic, innovative, broad-based 4-H educational programs. The award, funded through the Charles W. Lifer Excellence in 4-H Fund, is dedicated to the recognition of outstanding professionals who serve as examples in setting standards of excellence in 10 major areas of the county 4-H program.

A peer may nominate any OSU Extension educator who provides leadership to 4-H programs. Nomination forms are due to Lisa Jinks ( by October 18. Nominate one or more individuals you think are deserving of this recognition.

2013 Excellence Nomination Form
Excellence List of Award Winners

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OSU Extension Excellence in Community Development Award Nominations - Due November 1

It is time to submit nominations for the OSU Extension Excellence in Community Development Award. This $1,000 cash award recognizes a CD Extension professional for significant programmatic strengths, major contributions, and innovative approaches achieved over the course of their Extension career. Submission deadline for nominations is November 1. Last year’s winner and first recipient was Myra Moss. The award will be presented at the OSU Extension Annual Conference on December 4. The application packet is attached, which includes complete information about the call for nominations and the nomination form. Please direct any questions to Greg Davis (

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Steve D. Ruhl Award Nominations – Due November 1

The Steve Ruhl memorial award was established in 2006 in recognition of Steve Ruhl who served Morrow County as OSU Extension agriculture and natural resources educator for more than 25 years. Steve also served as county director and was an associate professor. His work epitomized the best traditions of the “County Agricultural Agent” as depicted in the Norman Rockwell print (1948).

Steve conducted numerous on-farm research plots to provide local data to his farmers. He was an honest advisor whom farmers trusted with their most private thoughts and business information, knowing that Steve would provide an unbiased analysis. This educator had great intellect and a firm knowledge base built upon years of study and sound research. 

The Steve D. Ruhl Agriculture and Natural Resources Outstanding County Educator Award nominations are due to Mark Landefeld ( by November 1. A simple paragraph indicating why someone is being nominated is sufficient. Nominees will be forwarded an award application for completion.

This award recognizes outstanding county-based programming efforts and impacts. The plaque and $1,500 cash award will be presented at the OSU Extension Annual Conference on December 4.

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Staff Career Development Grants – Deadline October 31

The Staff Career Development Grant Program is administered by the Ohio State Office of Human Resources, with cooperation from the University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC). The program disburses grants annually from the interest proceeds of the Staff Career Development Fund (#605428) made possible through the generous donations made by faculty and staff to the Campus Campaign. This fund provides financial support to university staff pursuing career and professional development. The application can be found online.

In spring 2013, university leadership agreed to utilize proceeds from the sale of parking operations to augment funding for the Staff Career Development Program to $75,000, allowing participants to apply for grants up to $1,000 for individuals and $1,500 for group activities. Applications for the grant may be submitted during October and April.

Grants are awarded for education and training costs related to the applicant's job and/or career goals. Registration fees, fees for conferences and seminars, tuition for re-training, books, transportation costs, childcare expenses, and job search/outplacement expenses are examples of some appropriate uses of the grant. This is a reimbursement grant, therefore no funds can be given in advance of approved activities.

Submit one copy of your completed application to Staff Career Development Grants Program, Office of Human Resources, Suite 300, 1590 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43201-2190, or via e-mail to Questions about this program should be directed to Michele Bondurant at or 614-292-4341. Grant recipients will be notified by phone or e-mail no later than December 20. 2013 Staff Career Development Grant Recipients.

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StrengthsFinder™ Workshop – October 24

"You get what you focus on." -Vannoy & Ross, 2008

As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, what you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her or his own unique set of talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on utilizing what you do best for your organization.

Participants in this workshop will take the Clifton StrengthsFinder™ inventory to learn their five strongest talents. By focusing on your strengths, you increase your effectiveness as a leader.

What is the Clifton StrengthsFinder™ inventory?
"Marcus Buckingham, coauthor of the national bestseller First, Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, chair of the Gallup International Research and Education Center, have created a revolutionary program to help readers identify their talents, build them into strengths, and enjoy consistent, near-perfect performance. At the heart of the book is the Internet-based StrengthsFinder™ Profile, the product of a 25-year, multimillion-dollar effort to identify the most prevalent human strengths. The program introduces 34 dominant "themes" with thousands of possible combinations, and it reveals how they can best be translated into personal and career success.

  • Gain a better understanding of yourself
  • Identify your top five strengths
  • Learn how to maximize your strengths to increase your effectiveness as a leader

Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop on October 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. in room 105 of the Agricultural Administration building. The fee is $60 per participant; register online

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Personnel Update – July through September 2013


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