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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué July 3, 2013


Featuring the Work of OSUE Field Specialists

Throughout the year, we will be spotlighting the work of our field specialists. In this issue we feature Dan Remley (food, nutrition and wellness).

When I began my position in 2012, I also switched over to the faculty track. Essentially, I’ve had to hit the “reset” button in terms of my Extension career. I had some time in the beginning to really think through my interests, what I wanted to focus on, and what the state’s needs were in terms of food, nutrition, and wellness. I’ve also had the opportunity to collaborate more with campus and Extension faculty.

I think what excites me most about my job is the ability to provide leadership to Extension and faculty teams that will be making an impact not only statewide, but nationally. I also look forward to thinking outside the box, and collaborating with others from different disciplines, even within family and consumer sciences. Wellness is so much more than what we eat, or don’t eat; it encompasses how we relate to others, or how we approach finances. Research is suggesting that stress plays more of a role in our health than we originally thought.

I enjoy working at OSU South Centers. It is fun to be around field trials of blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, aquaculture, wine grapes, and hops. Much of the produce grown here is extremely high in health-promoting antioxidants. In addition, many faculty and staff who are housed here work on local food system issues, which happens to be one of my focus areas.

Some of the hottest topics in my area are childhood obesity and chronic diseases. Childhood obesity has leveled off. Chronic disease rates such as type 2 diabetes, will continue to rise, considering that one third of the adult population is considered obese. Chronic diseases can be managed, but they are extremely burdensome to individuals, governments, and businesses due to rising direct and indirect health care costs. Preventing and managing chronic diseases are critical issues if we are to tackle our national debt and also grow our economies. Extension programs such as Live Healthy, Live Well and Dining with Diabetes will continue to be important contributions.

Filling up our plates three-fourths with fruits, vegetables and whole grains (locally sourced if possible) will not only will improve our health, but also possibly improve the economies of our communities, and the ability to feed future generations. If we are to feed nine billion people in the world (2050 projection), consumption patterns need to shift to less resource-intense diets. Helping individuals discover for themselves the impact of the food choices they make will be a critical role for Extension in next few decades. In addition, Extension-directed programs, such as Farm to School, have the opportunity to empower individuals to become engaged with their communities to foster healthier and more sustainable food systems.

I am collaborating with the Ohio Department of Health on its Community Health Improvement Plan to address diabetes and other chronic diseases on a statewide basis. Through an Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) grant, I am collaborating with food banks such as Mid-Ohio and rural communities to develop and evaluate guided-choice food pantries. Through another AFRI grant, I will be working with a team, led by Susan Zies, to evaluate a childhood obesity program which targets adolescents in the Toledo and Youngstown areas. Through a Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Program grant, I will be collaborating with another team, led by Jim Bates, of field specialists, Extension educators, EFNEP staff, and a fathering group to facilitate a grilling/food preparation program for fathers and their kids in Stark and Portage counties.

I plan to be busy with the AFRI and CYFAR grants, but I will also be putting a lot of focus on teaching. Much of my teaching will be through webinars. For example, our Dining with Diabetes (DWD) team developed a Moodle class for DWD alumni. I hope to periodically host webinars on various topics related to diabetes.

On a personal note, my family moved to Chillicothe from Butler County when I took this position. My three kids ages 6, 8, and 11 have adjusted well. My oldest, Katie, has started her first year in 4-H. Although I really pushed for a nutrition/health project, she chose the ever-popular cake decorating. I guess it is all about the learning experience.

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Save the Date – July 25 at 10 a.m.
OSUE Strategic Plan and Structure Announcement

On July 25, from 10 – 11 a.m., we will hold a Webinar to update the organization about our progress on the strategic plan and upcoming adjustments to our regional structure, as well as our signature programs. This includes time for questions after the update.

You will be able to log-in from your individual computer to listen to the announcement, and Webinar instructions will be provided before July 25. We will also record the presentation for those who cannot join us live on July 25. Please release the July 19 hold on your calendars.

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State Budget Signed by Governor Kasich

Governor Kasich signed HB 59, the state’s FY 2014-2015 operating bill into law Sunday evening June 30. Both OSU Extension and OARDC received increases in funding for the biennium. OSU Extension went from current funding of $22.2 million per year to funding of $23.1 million per year for each year of the biennium. OARDC went from its current funding level of $33.1 million per year to $34.1 million in FY 2014 and to $34.6 million in FY 2015.

Language to update the name of OSU Extension from Cooperative Extension was included in the bill. This simplifies things for levy counties when they must get ballot language approved, and it brings Ohio statutory language and current practice into alignment. Levy authority supported by CCAO to allow ballot issues that combine OSUE, soil and water, and county agricultural societies into one combined “ag levy” was also approved in the budget. Although this wasn’t something of which we were supportive, it is a permissive authority that gives commissioners an additional option. There are a number of other combinations like this in Ohio tax law that are rarely or never used.

The new state formula for student instruction, which resulted in a significant cut to ATI’s state funds in the Executive budget proposal, was adjusted in year one to minimize reductions to all affected campuses. Additional funds in the OARDC line for year two of the budget will be used in a manner that supports ATI as well; so although ATI still faces a reduction in state funds, it is only about one- fourth of the original proposed reduction in the budget proposal released in February.

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OSU Extension County Budget Submission Policy

Ohio State University Extension Administrative Cabinet recently approved a policy relating to county budget submissions that will result in a more consistent presentation to our county funders. The regional directors also will become more involved by reviewing proposed budget submissions, and they will be reviewing cash balances in all the funds owned by the county.

This will accomplish several strategic goals:

  • Budget submissions will become more consistent across all counties.
  • Regional directors will have a greater awareness of the goals of the county office for the next calendar year.
  • County directors will receive more one-on-one mentoring.

The new policy is attached. It also has been posted in the Financial and Business Practices section ( of the OSU Extension Policy and Procedures Handbook.

Please read this policy carefully – it becomes effective July 1, 2013. The Business Office has created job aids that will be posted to the Business Office website. Each CED will also receive an e-mail that details the county’s commissioner fund appropriation, expenses for the last five calendar years, and the last two years’ fund balances.

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OSUE Annual Conference December 4 – Save the Date

The theme for this year’s Annual Conference is Moving Forward, Looking Back: A celebration of history and possibility. The theme reflects our goal to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Extension. The all-employee conference December 4 will be held at the Ohio Union in Columbus. The annual association meetings will be held December 3 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.

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Director's Short Report - Ask an Expert Video

A new Director’s Short Report video has been posted online -- Please review this 6:47 video for an update about the Ask an Expert system. The video includes the names and e-mail addresses of our Ask an Expert “wranglers,” July training dates, an overview of how the Ask an Expert process works, and the names of our OSUE eXtension Institutional Team members.

This is an internal announcement for viewing by our OSU Extension professionals. Note – we are still working out errors in the all-Extension e-mail distribution list. If you know someone who is not receiving all-Extension e-mails yet, please forward this note to them.

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CFAES Branding Message

-from Bruce McPheron, vice president for Agricultural Administration and dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

I’m pleased to announce that the first iteration of our college’s brand standards is now available at Along with the standards, you will find downloadable college logos and PowerPoint templates, as well as a calendar that shows when additional templates will be released and dates for upcoming informational sessions.

A strong brand is critical to our One University, One College approach. A brand is more than a logo – it’s what people hold in their hearts and minds when they think about us. It’s cumulative, too – the result of every conversation, every connection, and every communication. The brand guidelines provide us with a toolbox that will lead to success in branding.

A few items to highlight:

  • Our college brand standards show how to apply the university brand to CFAES and all of its mission areas.
  • You can learn about the university brand at
  • The university allows very few logos. While colleges have logos, OARDC, Extension, departments and other units will be identified in new ways.
  • No other logos, internal to the college or university, are permitted.
  • The One College vision means that every communications piece should include the college logo, and show the tie between the college and units, programs, departments and mission areas.
  • The college is embracing the university’s brand.

The university will be releasing additional guidelines over the next several months, for web design, clothing, signage and more. As they release standards, Communications and Technology will continue to update and expand ours. Again, you can review the calendar for release of additional college templates and for informational sessions at

If you have questions about the brand, please contact Suzanne Steel at or Kim Brown at

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Innovative Grants Awarded

Congratulations to the following programs that received funding:

  • Aquaponics Demonstration System at the OSU South Centers
  • County Extension’s Involvement with Ohio’s Local Food Councils
  • Engaging Youth Leadership with Healthy Choice & Healthy Living: 4-H for REAL
  • Helping to Save the Hocking Hills Hemlock
  • Innovation Station: Growing Green
  • LOOK to Clermont Youth Leadership Development Program

Innovative grants support programs that are new and innovative. The following criteria must be met to be awarded a grant:

  • Innovative outreach/engagement work with Ohioans
  • Interdisciplinary work
  • Initiatives that, once seeded through this funding, will expand Ohio State’s engagement and OSU Extension’s work with the community

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OSU CARES Seed Grant Success Story

OSU CARES grants are awarded to seed new or expanded partnerships between OSU Extension and other Ohio State departments. For Meg Teaford, Sharon Flinn, and their grant team on the Farming with Arthritis project, their OSU CARES Seed Grant has borne much fruit. On May 2, Teaford and Flinn’s team received a 2013 Distinguished Service-Learning Award for their partnership. For details on this award, see (scroll down).

Their original 2010 CARES Seed Grant, “Prevention and Management of Arthritis among Older Farmers in Ohio,” connected Extension more deeply with College of Medicine, Wexner Medical Center, and Occupational Therapy staff working on arthritis prevention and management efforts. For details on this initial OSU CARES Seed Grant, see Congratulations to Meg, Sharon and their dedicated team on being recognized. OSU CARES is proud to have supported their efforts and this partnership with OSU Extension.

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Promotion and Tenure Dossiers Due August 19

Faculty dossiers are due to the department by August 19. Dossiers are to be sent to Refer to the 2013-14 Faculty Guide to Promotion and Tenure (here)

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Strengths Finder (Online Workshop) - July 16

As a leader, it is important to know what talents you possess. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on utilizing what you do best for your organization.

Participants in this workshop will take the Clifton StrengthsFinder® inventory to learn their five strongest talents. By focusing on your strengths you increase your effectiveness as a leader.

What is the Clifton StrengthsFinder® inventory? "Marcus Buckingham, coauthor of the national bestseller First, Break All the Rules, and Donald O. Clifton, chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program to help readers identify their talents, build them into strengths, and enjoy consistent, near-perfect performance. At the heart of the book is the Internet-based StrengthsFinder® Profile, the product of a 25-year, multimillion-dollar effort to identify the most prevalent human strengths. The program introduces 34 dominant "themes" with thousands of possible combinations, and reveals how they can best be translated into personal and career success."

  • Gain a better understanding of yourself
  • Identify your top five strengths
  • Learn how to maximize your strengths to increase your effectiveness as a leader

Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop 9 – 11 a.m. The registration fee is $60 per participant.

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