CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué February 13, 2013


Featuring the Work of OSUE Field Specialists

Throughout the year we will be spotlighting the work of our field specialists. In this issue we feature Jeff Dick (volunteerism and 4-H community clubs).

I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know the new Extension professionals as I educate them on risk management policies and procedures. Some of the hottest topics in my area are as follows: volunteer risk management as it relates to financial record keeping and reporting for 4-H clubs, accident and liability insurance for members and volunteers, and staff risk management

I have worked very closely with Vicki Schwartz and Tom Archer and regional directors as it relates to specific risk management situations. I have also been able to connect with several of the state specialist to coordinate training sessions for our staff.

I plan to continue conducting monthly WebEx trainings for our staff, going out into counties training volunteers and co-guiding the Community Clubs and Volunteerism Design Teams in producing an updated and improved “Ohio 4-H Volunteer Handbook”.

I also have really enjoyed being assigned as the Erie Basin EERA 4-H program representative to the state 4-H staff. This group of 4-H professionals is very eager to provide positive 4-H programming to the Erie Basin EERA and beyond. Their energy and willingness to share ideas and grow in their profession are exemplary and motivate me to work hard and love this profession even more than I already do.

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Government Relations Update

Gwen H. Wolford, Director, Government Relations

The annual Legislative Luncheon is today, February 13. This event provides an opportunity for us to showcase impacts of Extension and research programs to members of the Ohio General Assembly. Volunteers who host the elected officials are a key factor, along with high-impact programs, in maintaining support of our elected officials. Typical attendance at this event is 300 people.

Governor Kasich released his biennial budget proposal on February 4. He has suggested OSU Extension and OARDC are to be funded at the same level as we have been for the past two years. Policy proposals included in the executive budget, such as broadening of the sales tax base, should help stabilize county funding. The House of Representatives will hold hearings on the budget bill starting this week.

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Review Process for Extension Educational Materials

Starting February 1, all educational print materials submissions should include an analysis of the content using Turnitin. This includes material authored by county educators or Department of Extension Specialists for statewide distribution. The submissions should go to the assistant director should include a copy of the review results. Instructions for submitting your document to a Turnitin review can be found at link.

For questions and/or help with Turnitin, contact Ken Kulka (614-292-2012;

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Amish Culture - Lunch and Learn is February 15

Joe Donnermeyer with the School of Environment and Natural Resources will speak on Amish culture during a lunch and learn session on February 15. Donnermeyer will report on his updated county-based census of the Amish population; he will explain why their population is one of the fastest growing of any group in North America; and he will discuss the possible social, cultural, and economic implications of this demographic dynamic.

Lunch is provided, and space is limited to the first 35 people. Register here. The session will also be streamed live here. Contact Kathy Lechman (614- 247-7176; The session will take place in room 214, Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

For a full description, go to:

Lunch is provided, but you must register:

URL for streaming:

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Open Doors Training is March 8

The Open Doors course is a three- module training that focuses on recognizing, identifying and addressing bias. 

  • Module 1: What is bias and how do I interrupt it? 
  • Module 2: Sharing identities and empathetic listening. 
  • Module 3: Working with persons in distress 

Space is limited to the first 25 people who register. A continental breakfast and lunch are provided compliments of the OSU Multicultural Center, Office of Student Life. CFAES will be hosting the session from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. for faculty and staff in Kottman Hall room 382. For more information on Open Doors, visit: To register, go to  For accommodations, contact Kathy Lechman (614-247-7176;

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Coaching and Performance Management Workshop March 12

As County directors or unit supervisors have the important responsibility of guiding, directing, and managing the performance of individuals you supervise. This can be a daunting and sometimes challenging part of your role. This workshop focused on coaching and performance management is a great place to begin developing and/or strengthening your skills and gain valuable resources that will help reduce the stress associated with the performance management process.

This day-long workshop will be divided into two sessions, between which we will break for lunch and have time to socialize with the group.

Morning Session: Performance Review/Management (facilitated by Graham Cochran)

Performance management is a systematic process for improving and sustaining performance of those you supervise. This training will provide a professional development opportunity for supervisors within OSUE to develop skills toward supporting performance management as an important and positive part of the workplace. Through group discussion and interactive activities, participants will: (1) explore key concepts related to performance management with a focus on conducting performance reviews and setting performance goals; (2) practice planning a performance discussion and writing performance goals for an employee; (3) receive information and resources to use for performance reviews; and (4) have an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with colleagues.

Afternoon Session: Strengthen Your Coaching Skills as Supervisors (facilitated by Jeff King)

As a supervisor, coaching is a vital component of the performance management process. Effective coaching includes not only developing the desired behaviors in others around us, but also understanding the emotions that drive those behaviors. As a coach, you can make the difference between employees reaching their full potential or remaining stagnant in their roles. This part of the workshop includes an understanding of coaching for success, identification of coaching competencies, and specific techniques needed to successfully coach others.

The event will be held at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Jim Helt Terrace from 9:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (lunch and refreshments provided). The fee is $40 for OSU Extension personnel and $120 for others. Enter CD as the discount code (remainder of the registration fee is subsidized through OSUE Human Resources). The deadline to register is March 5.

To register, go to For more information, contact Jody Termeer (614-292-3114;

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Promotion for Faculty

Extension faculty seeking a promotion to associate or full professor must submit a letter requesting promotion to Ken Martin, department chair by March 1 Letters shall be e-mailed to: Faculty shall also provide a Research in View dossier report for review by the Promotion & Tenure Committee in the spring. The committee will review promotion requests from faculty seeking a fall review and determine if it is appropriate for the review to take place.

Here is the link for the guide.

2013-14 Faculty Guide to Promotion and Tenure (Feb 2013)

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Promotion for A&P Educators

Extension educators planning a promotion review for Educator III or IV must submit a letter requesting promotion to Ken Martin, department chair, by March 1; e-mail the letter to: Educators shall also provide a Research in View dossier report for review by the Administrative & Professional Committee in the spring. The committee will review promotion requests from educators seeking a fall review and determine if it is appropriate for the review to take place. Those requesting promotion must also have your EEET request to PDE before the March 1 deadline (

Here is the link for the guide.

2013-14 A&P Guide to Promotion (Feb 2013)

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