<a name="Top of Page">Contents</a></h3>
<a href="#Listen First – Behavior # 11 of High-Trust Leaders">Listen First - Behavior #11 of High Trust Leaders</a></li>
<a href="#Early Bird Registration is now open for our Annual Conference">Early Bird Registration is now open for OSUE Annual Conference</a></li>
<a href="#Current Research Findings from Studies Conducted Within OSU Extension">Current Research Findings from Studies Conducted Within OSU Extension</a></li>
<a href="#CFEAS Diversity Mini Grants Deadline is October 31">CFAES Diversity Mini Grants Deadline is October 31</a></li>
<a href="#Distinguished Service Award Nominations due November 21">Distinguished Service Award Nominations due November 21</a></li>
<a href="#OSUE Administrative Cabinet – Four Year Review Update">OSUE Administrative Cabinet - Tom Archer Four-Year Review Update</a></li>
<a href="#Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement">Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement</a></li>
<a href="#CommTech Offers Print Services">CommTech Offers Print Services</a></li>
<a name="Listen First – Behavior # 11 of High-Trust Leaders">Listen First – Behavior # 11 of High-Trust Leaders</a></h2>
<p>- <em>Keith Smith, associate vice president, Agricultural Administration and director, OSU Extension</em></p>
<p>As Covey says in <em>The Speed of Trust, </em>to Listen First means not only to really listen (to genuinely seek to understand another person’s thoughts, feelings, experience, and point of view), but to do it first (before you try to diagnose, influence, or prescribe). The principles behind Listen First include understanding, respect, and mutual benefit. The opposite is to speak first and listen last – or not listen at all.</p>
<p><em>If there is any great secret of success in life, it lies in the ability to put yourself in the other person’s place and to see things from his point of view – as well as your own</em>. – Henry Ford</p>
<p><em>We’ve all heard the criticism “he talks too much.” When was the last time you heard someone criticized for listening too much?</em> – Norm Augustine, former chairman, Lockheed Martin</p>
<p>The counterfeit to this is pretend listening. It’s spending “listening” time thinking about your reply and just waiting for your turn to speak; or it’s listening without understanding. </p>
<p>When you Listen First, you get insight and understanding you wouldn’t have had otherwise. You make better decisions. You show respect. You give people psychological air. And the impact on trust is amazing.</p>
<p><em>Leadership has less to do with walking in front and leading the way than it does with listening to the needs of the people of the company and meeting them. </em>– Charles M. Cawley, chairman and CEO, MBNA America.</p>
<p>Research shows that face-to-face communication regarding attitudes and feelings is 7 percent what people say, 38 percent how they say it, and 55 percent body language. So Listen First means to listen with more than with your ears; it means to also listen with your eyes and your heart. Try to hear things through the ears of others, and see things through their eyes.</p>
<p>Stephen M.R. Covey recommends that we Listen First to ourselves, to our gut feelings, our own inner voice, before you decide, before you act. The two keys he finds helpful when working on results are:</p>
Generally, as long as a person is communicating with high emotion, he or she does not yet feel understood.</li>
A person will usually not ask for your advice until he or she feels understood. To offer advice too early will usually only stir up more emotion – or cause someone to simply ignore what you say.</li>
<p>As you work to Listen First, you may find the following ideas helpful to increase trust:</p>
Think back over your interactions with others during the past week, both at work and at home. Think of a time when you did or didn’t Listen First. What were the results? What would have been the results if you had behaved differently?</li>
The next time you’re in a conversation, stop and ask yourself, have I really listened to this other person? Do I really understand how he or she feels?</li>
In our organization, take proactive steps to understand your stakeholders - both internal and external.</li>
<p>I encourage you to read the full <em>Speed of Trust </em>book by Stephen M.R. Covey for more details about how to Listen First and the other behaviors of high-trust leaders.</p>
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<a name="Early Bird Registration is now open for our Annual Conference">Early Bird Registration is now open for OSUE Annual Conference</a></h2>
<p>The conference will be held December, 5 at the Ohio Union. The association meetings will be held on December 4. To get the lowest rate of $75 for the <a href="http://extensionstaff.osu.edu/sites/extintranet/files/documents/comm_doc..., register on or before November 9. Sign up now for the breakout sessions of your choice.</p>
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<a name="Current Research Findings from Studies Conducted Within OSU Extension"><strong>Cur</strong>rent Research Findings from Studies Conducted Within OSU Extension</a></h2>
<p>During the past year, two graduate students, Frances Kremer and Karen Argabright, conducted research studies within OSU Extension. Supported by the Gist Endowed Chair in Extension Education and Leadership, Frances and Karen, respectively, investigated personnel perceptions of the 2009 OSUE restructuring model and assessed OSUE organizational values and evidence of identified values in daily practice. Findings from these research studies provide valuable information for OSU Extension because YOU helped make these studies possible. Frances and Karen recently met with Administrative Cabinet to discuss their research findings. Summaries of these studies can be found by clicking on the title of the study.</p>
<p><strong>A Case Study of Ohio State University Extension’s 2009 Organizational Restructuring: Perceptions from Area Leaders and Regional Directors</strong></p>
<p><a href="http://(http://acel.osu.edu/sites/acel/files/imce/images/OSU%20Extension%20restr... target="_blank">(</a><a href="http://acel.osu.edu/sites/acel/files/imce/images/OSU%20Extension%20restr... - Frances Kremer</p>
<p><strong>Assessing Organizational Values within OSU Extension</strong> <a href="http://(http://acel.osu.edu/sites/acel/files/imce/images/Assessing%20Organizatio... target="_blank">(</a><a href="http://acel.osu.edu/sites/acel/files/imce/images/Assessing%20Organizatio...) - Karen Argabright</p>
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<a name="CFEAS Diversity Mini Grants Deadline is October 31">CFAES Diversity Mini Grants Deadline is October 31</a></h2>
<p>The mini grants will support teams, individuals, or student groups with new projects or ideas to enhance diversity and inclusion in their programming and or teaching efforts. All faculty, staff and student groups of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are eligible to apply.</p>
<p>Grants are up to $500 and will be awarded in November 2012 with the earliest start date in December, 2012. All funds must be used by June 30, 2013. For the application visit: <a href="http://extensionhr.osu.edu/diversity/diversity.htm" target="_blank">http://extensionhr.osu.edu/diversity/diversity.htm</a></p>
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<a name="Distinguished Service Award Nominations due November 21">Distinguished Service Award Nominations due November 21</a></h2>
<p>The Ohio State community is filled with exceptional people doing remarkable things, and now is the time to recognize those people in Extension or who have supported Extension and who have rendered extraordinary service to the university. The Distinguished Service Awards, which are presented at each commencement ceremony, reflect the myriad ways in which individuals contribute to the vibrant fabric of the University.</p>
<p>A number of OSU Extension personnel have previously received this award – i.e. Bea Cleveland and Virginia Zirkle; and there are many Extension personnel deserving of this award. Consider nominating one of your colleagues for this award. Keith Smith serves on this committee for the university, and could be helpful with the nomination process, if anyone has questions. For the application, visit: <a href="http://www.osu.edu/universityawards/dsa/nomination-info.html" target="_blank">http://www.osu.edu/universityawards/dsa/nomination-info.html</a></p>
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<a name="OSUE Administrative Cabinet – Four Year Review Update">OSUE Administrative Cabinet – Tom Archer Four-Year Review Update</a></h2>
<p>The four-year review was recently completed for Tom Archer, Assistant Director, 4-H Youth and Development. We are pleased to report that Tom has been reappointed for four years. Please congratulate Tom on his reappointment.</p>
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<a name="Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement">Facilities and Administrative Rate Agreement</a></h2>
<p>The university has just completed negotiations with DHHS on a four year F&A rate agreement. The agreement, dated September 21, 2012, establishes the rates shown in the attached summary. These rates will apply through the end of FY16, and will continue to be used until a new rate agreement is established.</p>
<p>Investigators should begin using the new rates in proposals immediately. For awards that begin mid-fiscal year, F&A costs should be prorated in the proposal budget. E.g., in the first year of an award with a start date of January 1, 2013, F&A would be charged at 52.5% for the first six months and at 53.5% for the second six months, so an average rate of 53% can be used for budget estimates.</p>
<p>A summary of the agreement is attached. <a href="http://extensionstaff.osu.edu/sites/extintranet/files/documents/comm_doc... target="_blank">FA rate communication for CROs.</a></p>
<p>For more information, contact Jackie LaMuth (lamuth.1@osu.edu)</p>
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<a name="CommTech Offers Print Services">CommTech Offers Print Services</a></h2>
<p>The CommTech digital print center offers several printing, lamination, binding, and mailing services. See the attached <a href="http://extensionstaff.osu.edu/sites/extintranet/files/documents/comm_doc... target="_blank">flier</a> for details.</p>
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