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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué October 28, 2011

Organization Update

-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension

As announced earlier this week, the link to our newest edition of the Video Communiqué is now available online.

It includes updates about the budget, other funding, the structure refinement, shale energy information, and expectations about Annual Conference attendance, along with some brief video highlights from our OSU Extension YouTube channel (

One thing I also mention briefly in the video is a recent topic of discussion and study among our Administrative Cabinet members, and something I’ll be focusing on during my administrative update at Annual Conference – The Speed of Trust and the most significant behaviors of high-trust leaders. This is information compiled by FranklinCovey, and I believe it’s important enough that we all think about this subject as we continue to move our organization forward.

Stay tuned for more information about the Four Cores of Credibility – integrity, intent, capabilities, and results, as well as the 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders.

Extension Structure - Local Advisory Committee Meeting Reminder

County Extension directors, please remember that you are expected to schedule a meeting this fall to share information on the refined Extension structure with your local advisory committee – and you are asked to engage in a process to identify priorities that Extension programming should address in your community.

The local advisory committee meetings are an ideal time to review what was shared at the September CCAO meetings, discuss local options in-depth, and work on your specific county plan for staffing the local Extension office in 2012 (and beyond).

If you have not already met with your local advisory committee, please schedule this meeting in the near future and invite your county commissioners to attend. If you need additional information about a suggested agenda or plan of action for the meeting, refer to the September 23 CED e-mail with instructions. Also keep your regional director informed about your meeting and other plans.

Extension Annual Conference Attendance Expected

-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension

ALL Extension professionals are encouraged to attend this year’s Annual Conference to be held at the Ohio Union in Columbus on December 15. The theme is “Extension: Now, More Than Ever!” ESP, OAEP and CES are providing leadership for the event along with Extension administration.

As we did in 2010, Extension Administrative Cabinet has agreed that county offices may choose how to handle their office hours during that day. Options include:

  • Closing the office for the day with a sign indicating that everyone is participating in the annual conference and recognition event, and that the office will reopen on December 16. Remember to change your voice mail or answering machine message also.
  • Utilizing volunteers to keep the office open.
  • Using students who are home from college to keep the office open.
  • Using a temp agency or temporary employee to assist during this one-day event.

In these times of change throughout our organization, we all benefit from attending the conference and comparing notes with our peers - and this is designed to be an all-inclusive meeting. Every Extension employee is important to this organization, and I believe it is valuable to have all of us learning together when possible. We are all working together for the good of the entire organization. I look forward to seeing all Extension professionals at this year’s conference!

Extension Annual Conference Attendance Expected

-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension

ALL Extension professionals are encouraged to attend this year’s Annual Conference to be held at the Ohio Union in Columbus on December 15. The theme is “Extension: Now, More Than Ever!” ESP, OAEP and CES are providing leadership for the event along with Extension administration.

As we did in 2010, Extension Administrative Cabinet has agreed that county offices may choose how to handle their office hours during that day. Options include:

  • Closing the office for the day with a sign indicating that everyone is participating in the annual conference and recognition event, and that the office will reopen on December 16. Remember to change your voice mail or answering machine message also.
  • Utilizing volunteers to keep the office open.
  • Using students who are home from college to keep the office open.
  • Using a temp agency or temporary employee to assist during this one-day event.

In these times of change throughout our organization, we all benefit from attending the conference and comparing notes with our peers - and this is designed to be an all-inclusive meeting. Every Extension employee is important to this organization, and I believe it is valuable to have all of us learning together when possible. We are all working together for the good of the entire organization. I look forward to seeing all Extension professionals at this year’s conference!

Last Reminder -- Ohio State Password Change Required by October 31

In late May, Ohio State’s Chief Information Officer, Kathy Starkoff, sent an e-mail announcing a new procedure for managing our university Internet account and password. The bulk of the message is repeated here:

“This summer, Ohio State will improve identity and password management with the release of a new Web site: This new site will enable implementation of standard password practices for Ohio State usernames (lastname.#). You will be receiving communications throughout the summer and fall encouraging you to reset your password at This will be the single location used to manage your Ohio State Username and password anytime, anywhere. Once you have changed your password, you will be on a 90-day reset cycle. For some, this means a new way to think about passwords, while for others, it will simply mean expanding an existing routine.

"You can better understand the importance of this change by familiarizing yourself with the University password practices at BuckeyeSecure. By meeting these University standards, you are contributing to a more secure online community. Every detail of this process has been carefully planned to ensure minimal disruption in your daily activities. In addition, extensive support will be provided every step of the way.

"Your help in making this a successful transition is greatly appreciated. Be sure to change your password before October 31 to ensure that you have continued access to University resources.”

This new procedure involves several important changes you should be aware of, such as:

  1. Strong passwords are required (8 to 10 characters, upper and lower case with letters and numbers).
  2. You cannot reuse passwords.
  3. Your password must be changed every 90 days.
  4. Failure to comply will result in loss of access to University systems and services.

Be aware that changing your University password will NOT change the password that you use to log in to your computer, or the password you need to access the CFAES e-mail system. These passwords will not change automatically when you change your University password. Until the CFAES systems can be synchronized with the University's new identity management system, you will need to maintain these passwords separately from your University password.

The CFAES IT Help Desk can assist you with changing your CFAES system passwords. Because the University's password change is being managed by the Office of the CIO at the University level, questions about changing your University password must be directed to the University's IT Service Desk (8-HELP). Summaries of Ohio State’s Standard Password Practices Initiative and Fast Facts about the change are available online.

Last Reminder -- October 31 Deadline for Required IT Security Training

-Dr. Bobby Moser, vice president for agricultural administration and dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Ohio State depends upon each person to understand his or her individual role in maintaining the best IT security practices. In order to do this, CFAES is requiring that all faculty and staff complete the recently revised Institutional Data Policy training. ALL faculty and staff, including those who previously completed Institutional Data Policy training, must complete this training no later than October 31. Those who have not done so by this time will be denied access to the university's network resources until successful completion of the course. The course is a brief, self-paced module accessible through Carmen, and it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The requirement for this training applies to:

  • Regular and temporary employees, including all faculty and staff.
  • Student employees who may come in contact with restricted data; supervisors’ discretion may be used for other student employees.

New Staff
On an ongoing basis, individuals who are new to CFAES must complete the training no later than one month after their respective start date.

All supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their staff members complete the training. Supervisors are also responsible for ensuring that contractors, consultants, or other personnel who will have access to the University network complete the training. In addition, supervisors should incorporate the training requirement into performance plans for fiscal year 2012. The performance objective should be stated as “Successfully complete the Institutional Data Policy training and apply the knowledge gained to all aspects of your job,” with a due date of July 2012.

Getting Started
Log in to Carmen ( and join the Institutional Data Policy 3 course to enroll. Once enrolled, you must select the student tab to see the course. A job aid detailing the enrollment steps is available at

Call for Nominations for University Awards

Executive Vice President and Provost Joseph A. Alutto has announced the call for nominations for the 2011-2012 university-wide faculty and staff awards:

  • Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching
  • Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award
  • Distinguished Scholar Award
  • Distinguished Staff Award
  • Distinguished University Professor
  • President and Provost’s Award for Distinguished Faculty Service

A description of each award, the deadlines, and contact information are available online.

The University Distinguished Service Awards, which are presented at each commencement ceremony, are also open for nominations (due November 18). Review the qualifications and guidelines online for more information.

John Stitzlein Diversity Award

OSU Extension Annual Conference is right around the corner. It is time to think about nominating yourself or a colleague for the John Stitzlein Diversity Award. The nomination guidelines and nomination forms have been revised and are posted on the Diversity Resources Web page.

Nominations should be e-mailed to Kathy Lechman ( no later than November 11. Please do not send a vita; a narrative of no more than three pages is all that is needed.

2012 Tri-State Diversity Conference - February 16-17

The 2012 Tri-State Diversity Conference will be held at the Marriott, Cincinnati Airport on February 16-17. The conference goal is “to network and link resources to help integrate diversity into programs, policies, and practices for creating community well-being.”

This year’s theme is “Diverse Communities – Common Unity.” The conference is designed for land grant universities, including administrators, faculty and staff from Extension, research, and academic programs; private and public university representatives; K-12 educators; community outreach leaders; health and social services professionals; employers and supervisors; human resource staff; and all others wanting to empower greater diversity and cultural understanding within their communities and workplaces.

The Tri-State Diversity Conference is sponsored by OSU Extension, University of Kentucky Extension, Kentucky State University, and Purdue Extension. More information is available online.

CFAES Diversity Professional Development Support Fund Established

Dean Moser and VP Cabinet have approved the establishment of a fund to support faculty and staff who are seeking professional development opportunities related to diversity and inclusion. All faculty and staff are eligible to apply. This fund can be used for registration, travel, per diem, etc. Please note that to receive funding, the applicant’s department/unit must also contribute toward the event.

The purpose of this fund is to aid faculty and staff in attending training sessions, conferences, workshops, or other opportunities that are directly related to diversity and inclusion. Applicants will apply by submitting a written request to the Leader, Diversity Development that addresses the questions on the application.

Criteria include the following:

  • Preference will be given to applicants who have taken advantage of internal professional development opportunities (i.e., speaker series, lunch and learn events, completion of online modules, etc).
  • Applicants must show that additional financial support is available from their department or unit.
  • Faculty and staff may receive the maximum amount ($750) only once every two years.  If the maximum is not requested the first year, the faculty or staff person may apply for the balance the following year.
  • Total support will not exceed $750 per individual every two years.
  • Once all funds for the year have been used, applications will no longer be accepted.

CFAES Diversity Challenge

Diversity and inclusion are central tenets of our college, and departments are encouraged to support their faculty and staff in participating in the college’s initiatives.

This year, we are launching the CFAES Diversity Challenge, in which your participation will earn you points at the individual and departmental levels. Each event held during the 2011-2012 academic year has a point value.

On a quarterly basis, a Zoomerang will be sent out allowing you to document your participation. Individuals who achieve 100 or more points by the end of spring quarter will be eligible to win one of several $50 gift cards. The unit that accumulates the most points will receive breakfast or lunch compliments of the CFAES Dean Bobby Moser.

It doesn’t matter if you are based in Columbus, Wooster, or one of the counties – you can accumulate points by completing online modules and viewing speakers via streaming video, all of which will be archived and available on the CFAES Diversity Professional Development Moodle site.

Remaining fall quarter 2011 event:
November 18 – Media Representation of Men and Women (Lunch and Learn), 10 points

You can earn points anytime by completing the professional development modules on Moodle or by viewing previous presentations in the speaker series. For modules, an evaluation must be completed, and you must provide your name and e-mail address for your points to be registered.