CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Communiqué October 10, 2011

A Message from the Director

-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension

I would like to quickly revisit and recap my message in the last Communiqué. When I’ve stated a number of times recently that our organization is alive and well, I’ve meant that I feel we are doing well overall given some of the more drastic scenarios we were planning for last year when we thought we would receive extreme state budget cuts of 10% to 20%, federal cuts of up to 10%, and the full impact of the local government fund cuts was unknown, etc. What could have been – and with it, a lessened ability to be strategic in our programs and staffing – might have been much worse than what we’re seeing now. With budget cuts reduced from original estimates, the Ohio State Voluntary Separation Incentive Program, and some local property tax and sales receipts increasing, our overall outlook is now a little brighter.

However, I’ve also acknowledged that Extension staffing has still been challenged at the state and local level by the budget restrictions and other items often beyond our control. A number of individual counties are still taking a bigger hit than we’d like. Please understand it also pains me that a number of counties have been affected in their ability to support local Extension positions. All of our faculty and staff are top-notch professionals who are extremely dedicated to the mission and vision of Extension, and I would love to see a full complement of educators, program and support staff in every one of our county offices.

I am proud that OSU Extension has a strong plan for moving forward, and feel we can become even more efficient and effective as we meet local needs throughout the state. I believe our current structure updates, including the field specialist position additions, will ultimately increase our reach and improve the programs we can provide for all Ohio citizens. We will need to adopt new strategies and develop different ways of working together to address clientele needs.

However, I’m always impressed by the resilience and professionalism of our employees, and I remain very optimistic that state and local budgets will improve, that our county commissioners and other stakeholders will be able to continue and expand their financial support of Extension, and that we are moving ahead in the right direction for OSU Extension and the communities we serve.

As always, I applaud your hard work on behalf of Extension, and I appreciate your passion for this organization. Sincerely, Keith

Director's Internal Advisory Committee

The Director’s Internal Advisory Committee met on September 23, with excellent attendance from all parts of the organization. Keith first provided an overview of the county commissioner meetings that are being held throughout the state. This topic resulted in further discussion and questions/answers about the commissioner meetings. The group also discussed where we are with federal, state and local budgets. The field specialist positions were discussed – dialogue occurred—very healthy discussion.

The committee then reviewed the positive programs occurring throughout the state. Items discussed included: Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board and new regulations; Marcellus shale (a hot topic discussed by a number of our educators, especially on the eastern side of the state); FCS programs focusing on a divorcing parents workshop and universal design; 4-H access training; Extension annual conference; 4-H in-services; 4-H retreat; Farm Science Review ; Master Gardener Volunteers; local foods; Business Retention and Expansion Initiative projects; soybean research (AFRI grant with Bowling Green); and cost recovery efforts. Again, there are some excellent programs going on throughout the state.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 9, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Keith encouraged the group to go back and talk with colleagues about what was discussed at this meeting and ask for input for the meeting in December.

WebEx Meeting Center and WebEx Event Center Reminders and Contacts

A reminder…in response to our growing needs for online conferencing and webinars, Extension has purchased a WebEx Event Center license. Event Center is a WebEx product designed to facilitate the hosting of online sessions with a large number of attendees, such as Web-based seminars, training sessions, and marketing events. The service offers many enhanced features for managing registration, attendance, and support for multi-event program management.

Extension's Event Center license provides for sessions with up to 500 attendees per session. Only presenters incur a charge for audio minutes; attendees connect for free. This presents a major cost savings over the use of WebEx Meeting Center for large meetings. When existing WebEx Meeting Center sessions exceed 25 people, there is an additional cost of $15 per person beyond the 25-person maximum. The Business Office will invoice for meetings that exceed 25 attendees and are not scheduled via the Event Center.

The host for Event Center scheduling is Kennetha Peebles. Please contact Kennetha to make arrangements for a session ( There is also an online request form to arrange WebEx Event Center sessions:

Please be aware that Event Center scheduling is handled on a first come, first-served basis. Check to see if the time you want is available before you publicize a particular day/time for an event using this link –– to see the current schedule of WebEx Event Center meetings. You can find out more information about Event Center online.

If the meeting for which you need to use WebEx is for 25 or fewer attendees, please see the information below:
The individuals listed below will be able to help you schedule a WebEx meeting. In an effort to distribute use across all license holders, we have noted priority contacts for each host. Any host may assist in scheduling a meeting, but first contact the individual with noted priority for your group.

Please note: We are only able to schedule one meeting per license at a specific time. Currently, we can hold up to 12 meetings at any one time across our system. By contacting one of the individuals below, you may schedule a meeting. If your requested meeting time is already allotted to another group, the scheduler/host will refer you to another contact on the list. You can browse the list of scheduled meetings by going to and clicking the “Browse Meetings” link (under “Attend a Meeting”).

When scheduling a meeting, please provide the following information:

  1. Title of meeting
  2. Date
  3. Time
  4. Length

The following hosts will assist you in scheduling a WebEx meeting for 25 or fewer participants. License holders are:

  • Cheryl Fischnich ( host for North East Region, EERA, and county meetings
  • Vickie Snyder ( host for South Central Region, EERA, and county meetings
  • Carol Bottoms ( host for West Region, EERA, and county meetings
  • Tom Archer/Lisa Jinks ( host for 4-H specialists and specialization teams
  • Kirk Bloir/Sandy Bryan ( host for FCS specialists and specialization teams
  • Lisa Troyer ( host for CD specialists and specialization teams
  • Teresa Funk ( host for ANR specialists and specialization teams
  • Beth Rigsby ( host for specialists and specialization teams
  • Debby Lewis ( host for Program Development & Evaluation and training efforts
  • Toni Bahnsen ( host for Human Resources and training efforts
  • Lisa Dune ( host for Administration and training efforts
  • Rob Luikart ( administrator -- questions and assistance

2012 OAEP Membership Invitation

It is time to renew or join OAEP – the Ohio Association of Extension Professionals. OAEP membership is open to any OSU Extension personnel with an administrative and professional (A&P) or faculty appointment. Active membership of this association shall carry with it the privilege of holding any board position in the association and voting on all matters coming before meetings of the association. Members of the OSU Extension Administrative Cabinet and civil service employees are excluded from membership. First-year OAEP membership is free.

National organizations: Even if you do not join OAEP - you are encouraged to enroll with your national organization through OAEP, so we may maintain a record of your membership for eligibility for national association awards.

Go to the OAEP Web site for a membership form and further information. All forms are posted at:

Excellence in Extension Award - Nominations due October 10

There’s still time to nominate one of your co-workers for the ESP Excellence in Extension Award. The information is attached; send the nomination form to Nancy Snook ( Call Nancy with questions (740-732-5681).

Related Documents

2011 Excellence in 4-H Award – Nominations due November 1

Once again, it is time to submit nominations for the Excellence in 4-H Award. This award honors superior accomplishments by an Extension educator in developing dynamic, innovative, broad-based 4-H educational programs. The award, funded through the Charles W. Lifer Excellence in 4-H Fund, is dedicated to the recognition of outstanding professionals who serve as examples in setting standards of excellence in 10 major areas of the county 4-H program.

A peer may nominate any OSU Extension educator who provides leadership to 4-H programs. Nomination forms are due to Vicki J. Schwartz (, associate state leader, 4-H youth development by November 1.

Related Documents

Extension Support Staff Excellence Award – Nominations due October 31

CES and Extension Administration are committed to a partnership that recognizes a CES member who excels in support staff responsibilities. It is once again time to solicit nominations for the annual $1,000 Extension Support Staff Excellence Award. Criteria for this award are attached.

The award and process for selecting the recipient is patterned after Epsilon Sigma Phi's Excellence in Extension Award for educators. The award recognizes the importance of knowledge, skills and service (criteria include sustained excellence in overall job performance, consistent demonstration of a cooperative and positive attitude, exemplary service in leadership positions, exceptional participation in professional development opportunities, and outstanding achievement or contribution in a creative solution to a problem that resulted in more effective and efficient operations). This opportunity brings recognition to a staff member who excels daily in fulfilling responsibilities when serving customers and staff throughout our organization.

Nominations may be submitted by a supervisor, faculty/staff, peer/co-worker, customer, or emeriti. Required documentation includes the nomination form, letter of support from direct supervisor, and two additional letters of evaluation and support. Any Extension support staff member who is a current active member of Chi Epsilon Sigma and has been a member for five years is eligible for nomination.

Please consider submitting a nomination for an outstanding Extension support staff person; the nomination deadline is October 31.

Related Documents

CES Support Staff Awards - Applications due October 31

Now is the time to recognize all of the invaluable support staff Extension has throughout the state! The attached flier summarizes three awards available to support staff. The application for the Chi Epsilon Sigma newsletter, brochure and Web page contest is also attached. The application process is easy and fairly quick to complete, so submit an application for your support staff or encourage them to apply today.

Related Documents

CES Professional Development Scholarships Offered

From its beginning, Chi Epsilon Sigma has supported continued professional development for Extension support staff. Each year, CES offers two $200 scholarships for CES members to attend a professional improvement opportunity.

If you are a CES member and have considered taking a class locally or attending an educational workshop or training, then we want to encourage you to apply for a scholarship. You can’t win if you don’t apply, and winning a scholarship will give you added reason to get enrolled . . . get the training . . . learn something new in 2012. The application form and rules are attached; submit your application on or before Friday, November 18.

This year’s winners will be announced at the CES 25th anniversary celebration and annual members’ meeting to be held at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, December 14 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus.

Related Documents

Chi Epsilon Sigma Annual Membership Drive

It is time for the annual CES membership drive. Chi Epsilon Sigma is Extension's professional organization for support staff. Membership is open to all support staff who have at least a 45 percent appointment with Extension.

Annual CES membership dues are $15. Extension administration reaffirms that dues may be paid from county/department budgets with unit director approval. To encourage staff to join who may have budget constraints, six membership scholarships will be available. You can request an application by checking the appropriate box on the membership form. Membership information and the application are attached.

The 2011 CES 25th anniversary celebration and annual meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 14 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in partnership with the OSU Extension Annual Conference. The theme of this year's OSU Extension Annual Conference is "Extension: Now, More Than Ever!" Mark your calendars and plan to attend. A $100 scholarship will be awarded to a CES member to assist with expenses to attend the annual meeting and conference. Criteria will be based on restricted financial funding, and an application will be sent if you check the box on the membership form.

Now is the time to consider membership in CES –the Extension support staff professional organization. Experience the many benefits of CES membership.

Related Documents

Pre-Retirement Workshop - Tuesday, November 1

Are you within 10 years of retirement from OSU Extension? Would you like to learn more about planning for retirement? If so, then plan to attend the Pre-Retirement Workshop for Extension personnel. This workshop will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus on Tuesday, November 1 from 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Speakers from OPERS, STRS, OSU-HR, and Social Security will be presenting information on retirement benefits. A financial planner will join the group in the afternoon to discuss how to plan for retirement. Registration is $25 per person, which includes lunch and workshop materials. Spouses/partners are also welcome to attend for $30. All checks should be payable to OSU Extension and mailed to Agricultural Administration Building, room 14, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210, attention Kathy Lechman.

To register, go to

Required IT Security Training Reminder

-Dr. Bobby Moser, vice president for agricultural administration and dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Ohio State depends upon each person to understand his or her individual role in maintaining the best IT security practices. In order to do this, CFAES is requiring that all faculty and staff complete the recently revised Institutional Data Policy training. ALL faculty and staff, including those who previously completed Institutional Data Policy training, must complete this training no later than October 31, 2011. Those who have not done so by this time will be denied access to the university's network resources until successful completion of the course. The course is a brief, self-paced module accessible through Carmen, and it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The requirement for this training applies to:

  • Regular and temporary employees, including all faculty and staff.
  • Student employees who may come in contact with restricted data; supervisors’ discretion may be used for other student employees.

New Staff
On an ongoing basis, individuals who are new to CFAES must complete the training no later than one month after their respective start date.

All supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their staff members complete the training. Supervisors are also responsible for ensuring that contractors, consultants, or other personnel who will have access to the University network complete the training. In addition, supervisors should incorporate the training requirement into performance plans for fiscal year 2012. The performance objective should be stated as “Successfully complete the Institutional Data Policy training and apply the knowledge gained to all aspects of your job,” with a due date of July 2012.

Getting Started
Log in to Carmen ( and join the Institutional Data Policy 2 course to enroll. Once enrolled, you must select the student tab to see the course. A job aid detailing the enrollment steps is available at

A frequently asked questions document will be developed and made available via the CFAES Web site. If you have questions, contact Rob Luikart (

Ohio State Password Change Required by October 31

In late May, Ohio State’s Chief Information Officer, Kathy Starkoff, sent an e-mail announcing a new procedure for managing our university Internet account and password. The bulk of the message is repeated here:

“This summer, Ohio State will improve identity and password management with the release of a new Web site: This new site will enable implementation of standard password practices for Ohio State usernames (lastname.#). You will be receiving communications throughout the summer and fall encouraging you to reset your password at This will be the single location used to manage your Ohio State Username and password anytime, anywhere. Once you have changed your password, you will be on a 90-day reset cycle. For some, this means a new way to think about passwords, while for others, it will simply mean expanding an existing routine.

"You can better understand the importance of this change by familiarizing yourself with the University password practices at BuckeyeSecure. By meeting these University standards, you are contributing to a more secure online community. Every detail of this process has been carefully planned to ensure minimal disruption in your daily activities. In addition, extensive support will be provided every step of the way.

"Your help in making this a successful transition is greatly appreciated. Be sure to change your password before October 31 to ensure that you have continued access to University resources.”

This new procedure involves several important changes you should be aware of, such as:

  1. Strong passwords are required (8 to 10 characters, upper and lower case with letters and numbers).
  2. You cannot reuse passwords.
  3. Your password must be changed every 90 days.
  4. Failure to comply will result in loss of access to University systems and services.

Be aware that changing your University password will NOT change the password that you use to log in to your computer, or the password you need to access the CFAES e-mail system. These passwords will not change automatically when you change your University password. Until the CFAES systems can be synchronized with the University's new identity management system, you will need to maintain these passwords separately from your University password.

The CFAES IT Help Desk can assist you with changing your CFAES system passwords. Because the University's password change is being managed by the Office of the CIO at the University level, questions about changing your University password must be directed to the University's IT Service Desk (8-HELP). Summaries of Ohio State’s Standard Password Practices Initiative and Fast Facts about the change are available online.

10 Inclusionist Behaviors in Leadership

Reprinted with permission from Simma Lieberman, Simma Lieberman Associates, Albany, CA

I’m often asked the following question by executives, who understand that inclusionist leadership is more than just diversity training. “What can I do to be a more inclusive leader, so I can leverage the diversity of skills and talents of my employees?”

I provide them with 10 key behaviors of outstanding inclusionist leaders. A summary of the key behaviors is attached.

Related Documents

2011 NEAFCS Conference Report

A list of award winners and presenters at the 2011 NEAFCS conference, including a number of national winners, is attached. In addition, Carol Chandler was voted president-elect of NEAFCS, and 21 current FCS program faculty/staff and 7 emeriti attended the conference. OSU Extension was a strong presence at the conference with the educators participating in leadership, presentations, award recognition, invitation to the 2012 annual meeting in Columbus, exhibit throughout the meeting, and poster exhibits. Ohio has one of the strongest family and consumer sciences programs in the country as a result of the outstanding work and leadership of our FCS educators.

Related Documents

eXtension Professional Development Opportunities

Several eXtension Web-based professional development opportunities are available in October and November. For complete descriptions and details, visit See information for each session, an overview of upcoming eXtension professional development sessions, links to historical sessions (and recordings once they are available). Log in with your eXtension ID to indicate your interest in and attendance of the sessions, or add your professional development events that are open to Extension.

In addition to the National eXtension Virtual Conference (NeVC) scheduled for October 17-19 with keynotes and discussion each day, a number of other topics are offered by Extension colleagues for your professional development! See the list of events at Each topic lists a description, date/time and length, as well as information on where to connect to the online session.

Pick a topic, and attend through your computer browser. If you or your colleagues offer professional development online that's open to others in Cooperative Extension, please add the information at by logging in with your eXtension ID and click "Create a new PD event." Each event then has a URL that may be used to share with colleagues.

National eXtension Virtual Conference (NeVC)
Each speaker will give a 45-minute presentation followed by a short break, and then engage with participants in a 90-minute discussion about the topic. Twitter hashtag: #nevc. More details are located online.

All sessions are open to all Cooperative Extension faculty, staff and employees. You may indicate your interest on the page for each PD Event at (log in with your eXtension ID). Include your favorite session links in Twitter, Facebook and more!

Any Web-based professional development sessions open to Cooperative Extension may be listed online. Look under Upcoming Events at, browse by recent tags, or search to find professional development in your areas of interest. Each event page includes the title, description, presenters, link for participation and recording, as well as a check box to show your interest and/or participation in the event.

Contact Beth Raney ( with questions or comments.