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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


CES Chapters

The outreach committee will communicate with other state chapters and provide yearly up-dated information for our web page. The committee will invite and provide annual conference registration information to other state hapters, and act as hosts should they attend. This committee will find ways to promote the fraternity in other states for possible development of additional chapters and keep in mind the goal of a national meeting.

Arkansas formed the CES Beta Chapter in 1989

Shaura Ivy, 2020-2021 President
Drew County
210 S. Main Room H
Monticello, AR  71655
Phone: 870/460-6270

U of A Division of Agriculture, Professional Organization, CES

Kentucky formed the CES Gamma Chapter in 1999

Tami Widelski, President
Marshall County


UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, CES

West Virginia formed the Delta Chapter in 2001

No active chapter

Jan Norman, Past President
Business Manager
Human Resources
Room 408 Knapp Hall
PO Box 6031
Morgantown WV 26506-6031
Phone:  304/293-8952
FAX: 304/293-4565


Louisiana formed the CES Epsilon Chapter in 2004

Alana Sandidge, President
Accounting Technician
Scott Research/Extension Center
212 Macon Ridge Road Bldg. B
Winnsboro, LA 71295
Phone: 318/435-2903


LSU Ag Center, CES