2022 CES Silent Auction
We invite you to participate in this year’s Silent Auction at the OSU Extension Annual Conference, December 5-7, 2022! Chi Epsilon Sigma (CES) sponsors this annual fundraiser to recognize an Extension support staff member via the CES Support Staff Excellence Award.
Do you have a special talent that you would like to share with your Extension colleagues? Do you knit, sew, do woodwork, paint, make jewelry, bake, etc.? Are you an independent seller for a company that sells purses, jewelry, makeup...? Know of local/statewide businesses that would love to donate products or gift certificates for some additional publicity around the state? Whether you are a county- or state-based office, consider this an opportunity for a team project and donate a basket or individual item for the Silent Auction. If there is something unique about your county, consider that as a theme for your donated item(s). We would be thrilled to have a donation from every county/office!
Next Steps:
Your donation details can be submitted via Qualtrics Survey until November 18, 2022. The Silent Auction will be open live and in person during the first two days of the conference, December 5 & 6, so please plan to bring your basket along with you on December 5, exact drop-off location tbd.
Don’t forget to prepare your shopping list so you can participate as a bidder even if you cannot donate this year! These auction items are always unique and thoughtful, and the auction will be held just in time for the holiday season, those winter birthdays, or even planning ahead for Valentine’s Day!
We will also be accepting cash donations to the fund year-round if you prefer to give your support via that option, at http://go.osu.edu/CESGiveNow.
Thanks so very much for your support!
The 2022 CES Fundraiser Committee
Terri Fisher, Chair - fisher.456@osu.edu
Chris Comden
Patty Corfman
Teresa Funk
Marianne Guthrie
Amy Kirkbride
Beth Young