CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


CES Annual Meeting

2022 CES Annual Meeting - Face-to-Face/Zoom

Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, OH

December 6th, 9 AM

A memorial service for any deceased member will be included during the annual meeting

Membership Secretary orders Awards, new member and honorary items, and sends invitation to Retiree and NEW CES members (if list of new members comes out after the email invitation for AC)

Annalist invites Sister Chapters and TERSSA Officers (Zoom invite)

President invites Administration and Honorary Members (Zoom invite) and takes gavel to meeting when face-to-face

Allow time to take photographs- especially full board, award winners, new members, years of service, speakers, honorary members, retiree members, other state chapter guests, passing the gavel, installation of officers, fundraisers, community service project- save all to CES Online Storage Folder (at meeting when face-to-face)

Display set up at conference   (at meeting when face-to-face)

CES Annual Meeting - 36th in 2022

• Yearly review of the Constitution & Bylaws

• Yearly proposed budget to be presented with vote to approve

• Yearly Treasurer’s Report presented with vote to approve

• Previous year’s Annual Meeting Minutes presented with vote to approve

• Installation of new officers

• Recognition of outgoing officers

• New members initiated

• Years of Service Awards presented

• CES Membership and Annual Meeting Sponsorships presentation

• Extension Support Staff Excellence Award winner announced at Annual Conference Awards Ceremony -add to minutes

• Dorothy Rex Inspirational Award announced at Annual Conference Awards Ceremony - add to minutes

NEW in 2022!! CES Distinguished Service Awards

  • Early Career 0-9 Years of Service
  • Mid-Career 10-19 Years of Service
  • Advanced Career 20+ Years of Service

• Recognition for OJCEP award recipients from previous year

• TERSSA updates and any TERSSA awards presented the previous year

• Outreach Update ‐and if visitors from other state chapters/TERSSA are present offer introductions and opportunity to address group

Induction of new Honorary Member(s)- if any were nominated

•Recognition of special guests: Honorary, Retirees, Administration

•Secret Friend Revelation

•Fundraiser Report - Silent Auction 

•Community Service at each Annual Meeting (can be part of overall conference)

•Hand over the gavel

Meeting adjourned